#war advertisement


It was a time of national unity. It was a time of uncertainty. It was a time of national effort. The second World War was the last great moment in patriotic oneness in this country. Civilians took jobs to boost war supplies, turned in materials that suppliers needed, and did without so our soldiers wouldn’t have to. Companies turned towards the effort as well, altering their manufacturing processes to supply ammunition, vehicles, food, uniforms, and other supplies to our troops in the European & Pacific Theaters.

Their advertisement was focused on letting the country know what they were doing. With plans to return to consumer goods once the war was out, it was important to let the public know what they were doing to help the war effort. By announcing their efforts to the public, they knew that consumers would purchase from them once the war was finished based on the national pride alone. All we had to do was win.

Today we present some of the finest advertisements from the WWII era. Companies like Goodyear Shell Oil, and Western Electric made it very clear to the public that they were aiding the war effort and helping the allies win.

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This #ThrowbackThursday we present “The Winning Effort - Advertisements of the Second World War” #tbt #WWII It was a time of national unity. It was a time of uncertainty. It was a time of national effort.