


Here are the latest aesthetics I made for my epic fantasy series, Wardens of the Crystallis.

I was never really into making aesthetics until I started participating in a tag on Twitter. I’m pretty proud of these!

Each one is a different theme.

The Future

Erador has two choices; reach toward the light or be pulled into darkness.

One path will lead to their world’s destruction.

Will Erador find paradise with his father or turn agaisnt him?


This is a peek into the future of my epic fantasy series. Characters have to decide who they want to work with in order to save their world. Some don’t get along, but they have to set their differences aside for the greater good. There is conflicting information, so it’s hard for some to choose which is the right path. When they pick a side, relationships are torn apart and they have to work against each other. No matter how much they might not want to.

The Past

Erador always wanders back to Sunflower Alley, where he was almost killed as a child. The recent murders force him back to the Shadow Realm where his killer lurks. He must expose a witch he thinks is behind them and face the lurker that wants him dead.


Erador’s trauma plays a large role in the first book. I was surprised to see it develop into something more complex than I thought it would be. It ties into other character’s stories and the main plot down the line! I’m Soo SO excited and can’t wait to explore it in future books.


I have yet to see a love triangle done well, but I do enjoy the one in my series.

Artakin, a prince with a haunting past


Baust, a servant shadowed in mystery.

Who will Valinia choose?

One, both, or none.

I don’t even know yet.


The reason I picked the love-triangle as my favorite trope in my books is because of how much work I put into it. It affects the plot and also is affected by the plot. Each character in the love triangle is an MC and serves a role in the main plot.

Love Interest

Artakin wants nothing more then to be with Valinia, at least he thinks so. He has to adjust to his new reflection and leave his past behind to become the person she has known to love.


Artakin is quit a complex character and I’ve only added to him as the years have gone by. It’s so interesting to see what I originally thought he would be, to what he has become today. I can’t wait for people to see how his story develops!


Also I’m still rooting for Baust.
