

Many Infected have relocated to Rhodes Island… not because they have any particular goals to achieve, but simply because they want a place to call home. The world outside no longer accepts them, after all…

Rhodes Island Icons part 4/5 ; like/reblog + credit if using

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If you need help managing your health while on Warfarin then visiting INRTracker.com is your next step. With INRTracker, patients can generate easy to read reports to help them and their doctor figure out what may be causing fluctuations in their Warfarin therapy. All of this knowledgable information is yours free. By taking a simple quiz you can get started managing your health while on Warfarin. Start quiz here: Vitamin K Quiz

This site is a great tool that helps you keep track of what you eat, what your drink, medications, appointments, bp and INR. INRTracker.com is easy to use and offers you a free way to manage your life. There is also a lot of great information regarding this condition. It is your right to know what is happening to your body and why. 

Join the community at INRTracker.com today and take control of your health.
