

We here at alphafemalebullies are declaring WAR on all GINGERS and REDHEADS

It is an indisputable fact that ginger bitches are the most explosive, easy to rile, simple to provoke ladies. The good news is that they are also invariably glass jawed pussies, easy to knock out & wiling to beg for mercy at the drop of a hat.

Since they are such predictable losers, we will be running a 10 part daily series, WAR ON GINGERS, in which women of all other hair colours demonstrate how weak those creampuff redheads are

The captions will run every day & based on how popular they are we may continue the series, look for part 1 today

If you want to submit your own images/stories or (laughably) are a Ginger looking to defend your weakling kind we can be reached at [email protected]

If watching soft redheads get kicked around isn’t your thing, don’t worry, we will still have plenty of other content

Candi xx
