#warren wayne kyle


My family thinks I’m ignoring them but in reality I’ve just got my phone on silent and have been listening to music on my laptop.


Yesterday — April 7, 2022 —, Alabama passed a bill making gender-affirming health care a felony for people up to age 19. This means that trans youth who seek gender-affirming medical care, their supportive parents, and their doctors all may face criminal charges for the care that is supported by every major medical organization in the U.S.

This is the third state to pass this felony ban on trans care.

On the same day, Alabama passed another bill banning trans youth from gendered public spaces (like bathrooms), and a third bill banning any discussion of LGBTQ+ topics in schools.

Half of all U.S states are moving these exact same bills through their legislatures at lightning speeds, including my home state where I transitioned as a minor.

I have only seen outrage about Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill (which affects trans people, too, by the way). Please also keep track of what is happening to trans people at the state level in the U.S. We are being banned from public life and life-saving medical care. These are children. Lives depend on us challenging these bills.

I’m really craving muckefuck


Well shit there’s been another bombing

Oh ffs another one??
