#warum nicht



- a little languages ask game -

send an ask with the emoji for an answer! and do feel free to reblog and use yourself!

⏰ for how long have you been studying your target language(s)?

what’s a language you’d learn solely because you love the way it sounds when spoken or sung?

favorite movie in your target language(s)?

favorite tv show or drama in your target language(s)?

what’s a book rec for a book that’s written in your target language(s) (or translated from it)?

favorite singer/group/band who sings in your target language(s)?

quick! gimme a song or album rec in your target language(s)!

if you had to live in one city that speaks your target language(s), then what would it be?

what’s the number one country you wanna visit that officially uses your target language(s)?

what’s one thing that’s difficult or challenging for you in your target language(s)?

favorite component or aspect of your target language(s)?

do you (plan to) use your target language(s) in a work-related capacity?

⭐️ favorite celebrity whose native language is your target language(s)?

❤️ do you have a favorite romance language?

favorite dead or ancient language?

‍♀️ do you have a favorite fictional language?

what’s the next language on your radar to pick up and start learning?
