#wasp apocalypse

5000 Wasps Spend the Night TogetherKeep those spare bedroom windows *shut*POSTED BY Matthew Cobb AT 

5000 Wasps Spend the Night Together
Keep those spare bedroom windows *shut*
POSTED BY Matthew Cobb AT Why Evolution Is True blog

A couple in Winchester, England, had not been in their spare bedroom for several months. What they did not realise is that they had left the bedroom window open. In the intervening period, a wasp queen had come in and started to make a nest. The point of wasps (like the point of everything) being to make more wasps, that’s exactly what she did.

Pest Control worker John Birkett said:

“I thought ‘what a shame’, but I had a job to do and the client was terrified. Afterwards, the entire room was filled with dead wasps. It was like the apocalypse.”

Photo: M&Y 

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