#water creatures x reader


Male! Koi Mer x GN! Reader

Warning: None, Fluff

Word Count: 1.2k


Part 1,Part 2


Sweat trailed down from your forehead to your neck and stayed there like an annoying pest. Unlike the past visits to the park, the day was hot—the hottest temperature in the season. It was hot enough for pieces of strands of hair to stick on your skin and refuse to hang off every time you try to brush it off. And it was spring morning; you shivered despite the temperature when you imagine what would happen in the summer. Yet there was nothing stopping you from meeting your mer friend living in the pond.

Watching your footsteps, you dodged brambles and long branches as you called out, “Ryo?”



Your heart violently hammered once against your ribs and you clutched on it as if to hold it in place. “Oh gosh, you scared me Ryo.”

He was smiling sheepishly; his chest leaning against a rock, arms crossed in front of him, and his glamorous tail stretched up above the water, basking in the sunlight. “Sorry,” he said, “I didn’t mean to scare you.” He looked down sadly. “Though it’s quite impossible with how I look, right?”

Shoulders dropping, your hands lowered and hanged to the side lifelessly at the heartbreaking sight in front of you. Walking towards him, you kneeled in front of him and cradled one hand on his cheek while you placed the other on his chest. “I think you’re perfect,” you said earnestly, smiling at him comfortingly. “You’re the most beautiful person. Inside and out.”

Beneath your palm, you could feel the gentle thud of his heartbeat getting faster and stronger. He sniffled, rather adorably, and you could see prickles of tears in his eyes.

“Thank you.”

You kissed his forehead gingerly and playfully bumped his nose with your finger. The gesture earned a smile from the mer and you beamed as well. “Do you still want to listen to the rest of the story?”

Ryo nodded eagerly. “Of course.”

Pulling out the book, you took out the napkin bookmark from last time and started reading. Every once in a while, sweat trickled down your face and every time it did, Ryo brushed his soothingly cool hands and wiped them away from your skin. You blushed every time he did and your stomach seemed to lurch, pleasantly, and your heart stopped for a moment then beat harder than before. Yet you smiled and leaned towards the cold sensation of his touch. As you dabbed the sweat under your chin, he tapped your arm. Facing him, you saw his nervous face starting to heat up.

“W-would you perhaps want to put your legs in the water?” he suggested. “It would help you with the hot weather.”

“Are you sure you want my feet in the pond?”

He looked down embarrassedly. “I thought it would help you.”

You squeezed his arm gratefully. “Thank you. I would do anything to stop sweating like a flooding dam.” Taking off your shoes, you dipped your feet inside the water and sighed in content as the cold started to spread through your body. “This feels really good.” You placed a chaste kiss on his cheek. “Thank you.”

Awe-struck, he blinked a few times and snapped himself out a few moments later. “It was just a suggestion.”

“A really good one.” Beaming, you took out the napkin from the pages and opened to read, but he interrupted you before you could start reading the words.

“I have something for you,” he blurted out, looking eagerly excited.

You raised a brow, surprised at the sudden announcement. “Really?”

He blushed fiercely, the cheeks turning to a lovely shade of red, matching the scales on his tail. “It’s nothing big,” he said bashfully. “I’ll quickly go get it.”

He dove into the water and you kneeled on the rock to watch him swim ever-so-graciously through the shallow pond. You admired the flecks of glimmering scales of red and white of his tail as they glided and moved like a fluttering piece of silk against the wind. When he came back with his messy hair popping out of the surface, he had a big grin on his face as he hid something behind his back.

“What do you have behind your back?” You smiled at the childish excitement emitting from him

Ryo slowly brought his hand to you and unfolded his fingers from the object—it revealed a beautiful lily petal, with glowing streaks of blue flowing through the pattern engraved on the white surface. Hands hovering over the petal, you stared at it in amazement as you watched the glowing blue light from it.

“It’s a bookmark,” he said shyly. “Since you couldn’t find yours the last time, I thought I would make one for you.”

“It’s really beautiful,” you murmured, looking up at Ryo to focus on his black eyes. He slowly passed it to you and you took it with gentle hands. “Thank you, Ryo. I love it.”

“It’s really nothing special.” He shook his head. As he was about to retract his hand from you, you quickly took it into yours and pressed your lips on the back of it lovingly.

“It’svery sweet,” you objected, “and very thoughtful of you.”

He looked down, his cheeks splattered with pink blush, but smiled widely. “I’m glad you like it.”

Observing your new bookmark one last time, you carefully tucked it in between the padres you have left and faced him curiously. “I hope it wasn’t anything difficult making this for me.”

“It was nothing. Besides, I would do anything for you if you ask me to.”

Eyes wide, the smile on your lips ceased sombre and everything went black as you watched him shuffle nervously, his tail flickering and jerking every time he tried to find a new position. “You… you, y-you would really mean that?”

“I-I, um, I—of course, I’ll do anything for you, because you deserve anything you want in the world.”

Cocking your head to the side, you bit your lip, trying hard to contain a grin. “That’s a very cliché line,” you remarked. “Where did you get it from?”

Ryo chuckled nervously. “I got it from my father, from when he confessed his feelings to my mother.” Then he drew back, gasping, once he realized what he just said. “I don’t mean it that way. I mean you’re a p-perfect being in this world but—”

“I like you.” Simple as that, that stopped his stutters-filled ramblings and looked at you blankly. “I really like you.” You softly caressed his pale cheeks and searched for a reaction from him. Brows furrowing, you were about to take away from your hands when he laid his own on top of yours.

“I l-like you too,” he said, leaning his forehead against yours. “I reallydo.”

Beaming, you pulled his head towards you and kissed him tenderly. You laughed softly when a splash of water sprayed on you when his tail fin excitedly flapped against the pond’s surface.

“Sorry,” he apologized embarrassedly.

Capturing his lips again one last time, you pulled back and smiled at him. “You’re adorable,” you only said. Then you pecked his nose affectionately. “And sweet.”

Ryo smiled endearingly, wrapped his arms around your torso, resting his head on your chest, and let out a sigh. His arms tugged around your form and you propped your chin on his head. A breath escaped from you as well when his cool skin touched against yours, calming you instantly.

“And you’re perfect,” he said.

Meeting his eyes, you smiled. “So are you.”


Part 1,Part 2

