#water rationing


No one else is here in Southern California. Well, not the LA Times anyway, who’s most recent article on the subject stated that historic thousand year old tree rings pointed to repeated and severe drought in ancient sequoia rings. Really?

No one is talking about water rationing in the Southland.  Santa Cruz and St Helena City Councils, are to date, the only places with mandatory rationing in place statewide.

We had virtually no snowpack this year and our reservoirs and ground water aquifers are being sucked dry.  Fires rage.  Food prices, both produce and meat, have risen significantly, with no end in sight. 

We grow over half of the nation’s fruits and vegetables here along with a significant amount of dairy and wine.  You can not grow food without water.  Or live, for that matter.

And they want to use more water to frack here.  (What the frack?)

Ask questions, use water sparingly and gray water whenever possible.
