#water seven


Sea Train - Water 7

[Drawn for the Wish You Were Here zine]

lil preview of my poster for @andythelemon’s Wish You Were Here zine!

Preorders open here: https://sibzine.storenvy.com

[video description: One Piece Nico Robin-centric PMV set to Somebody to Love by Queen. press j to skip description.

It is all dark purple lines on a pink background.  It opens with a hand lifting up, then poofing into petals.  Lyrics: “each morning I get up I die a little, Can barely stand on my feet, Take a look in the mirror and cry”: young robin walks down a street, stumbling a little. She spots her wanted poster, distressed.
“Lord, what you’re doing to me, I have spent all my years in believing you, But I just can’t get no relief, Lord!”: flashback to young robin on ohara, looking at a poneglyph, then studying with Professor Clover. the scene transitions to the buster call, the library burning. “Somebody ooh somebody, Can anybody find me somebody to love?” Robin hugs her mom, is carried by Saul, then there’s a close up on her face, staring blankly at ohara as it burns. she floats away on Aokiji’s boat.

“I work hard every day of my life,”: montage of robin growing up. “I work ‘til I ache in my bones”: robin on the Strawhat ship.  “At the end of the day I take home my hard-earned pay all on my own”: Miss All Sunday creating arms, then getting stabbed by Crocodile.  “I get down on my knees And I start to pray,  'Til the tears run down from my eyes, Lord, somebody, ooh somebody”: Robin sits against the poneglyph, bleeding, with a resigned smile. tears roll down her face.  Her eyes fly open in shock when Luffy grabs her collar. “can anybody find me somebody to love?”: Luffy carries her out of the tomb.

over instrumentals: Robin joining the Strawhats, examining the ruins on Skypeia. Aokiji appears and freezes her. a shot of the other strawhats reaching for her frozen hand. Robin and Luffy sleeping on the ship, Robin looking contemplative.

“Oh, Lord, somebody, ooh somebody, Can anybody find me somebody to love?”: They arrive at Water 7, CP9 passes Robin on the street. In Iceberg’s house, Robin and CP9 are standing around when, to Robin’s shock, Luffy and Zoro burst in through the walls. “Got no feel, I got no rhythm
I just keep losing my beat”: A shot of the Sea Train, then Robin getting pulled through Blueno’s Door. “I’m OK, I’m alright”: Robin and Franky handcuffed on Enies Lobby. “I ain’t gonna face no defeat": Spandam holding the Buster Call Snail. “I just gotta get out of this prison cell, One day I’m gonna be free, Lord!” Robin’s “I want to live” shot.

“Find me somebody to love” is repeated 10 times over shots of the Strawhats fighting CP9 to get the handcuff keys. “somebody” is repeated 4 times with a montage of the keys they collected. “somebody find me, somebody find me somebody to love”: Spandam drags Robin across the bridge, then he is hit by an explosive (referenced from the manga panel).  “find me somebody to love” is repeated over the end of the song, fading out.  Robin looks up, shocked, to see Sniper King on top of the Tower of Justice, posing triumphantly.  She cries, smiling. Un-handcuffed, she holds her hands up in a fighting pose. that fades out and as the song fades out, it says “thanks for watching” with the Going Merry bobbing in the water. it changes to the Thousand Sunny after a few seconds. end video description]

[video description: short, semi-animated lyric comic to part of Dog Days Are Over by Florence and The Machine. opens with a title card saying “dog days are over / one piece, art by And Stuff Sketches on tumblr”.

“Happiness hit her”: in shades of purple on a green background, robin looks into the camera emotionally while her hair blows in the wind. “Like a bullet in the” pink and blue. Robin in the foreground, looking out at the other strawhats and enies lobby below “back”: closeups on the other 6 strawhats’ eyes while Florence holds the note. “Struck from a great height” The government flag burning “By someone who should’ve known” sniper king holding up his slingshot after shooting the flag, luffy partly visible in the foreground. “better than that” orange and blue, luffy yelling in determination, shot from below.

ends with a “thanks for watching” endcard. end description]
