
Character wardrobe meme: #16. Winter clothes Stiles asks, “How do you purge a house that&rsquoCharacter wardrobe meme: #16. Winter clothes Stiles asks, “How do you purge a house that&rsquoCharacter wardrobe meme: #16. Winter clothes Stiles asks, “How do you purge a house that&rsquoCharacter wardrobe meme: #16. Winter clothes Stiles asks, “How do you purge a house that&rsquo

Character wardrobe meme:
#16. Winter clothes

Stiles asks, “How do you purge a house that’s infested with plague?”

Cora says, voice hard, “You burn it.”

The relief makes Stiles a little weak in the knees. He thinks he’s gonna say something, but instead, he just points decisively at her, looks at Lydia, mouth firm. “You what,” Lydia says.

Cora shrugs, looks at Stiles. “You burn it,” she says again, like somebody answering a question in class.

Stiles nods. He repeats to Lydia, “Burn it.”

That’s outdated medicine! This is a scene from a fanfic I haven’t finished yet. I also stuck some close-ups in there without the weather.

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