


sketching in blue - wc williams


trying to flesh out some #dune character designs for the #drune / #dunetober / #moltobenegesserit thing on twitter last month

then my brain died and i forgot about it


wc williams - a drawing from the beginning of quarantine i forgot about


captain haddock - wc williams


d&d character portrait for my friend trillian - wc williams

mixed media sketchbook experiment - wc williams

drawing screencaps from terrible movies on tubi - wc williams

found a pic of a drawing from 2019. wish i remembered what paper it was drawn on cause i like the organic ink feathering - wc williams

42 in 22 - wc williams

paul brooke - wc williams

getting lost in details while thumbnailing - wc williams

everyday a new horror - wc williams

roronoa zoro - wc williams

scribbles & screentone - wc williams

larry david giving his most larry david acceptance speech - wc williams

wc williams - screentone & scribbles

abandoned pencils found in an old bristol pad - wc williams

inking shadows - wc williams

warm up - wc williams
