#we are all operating from different resources and needs


Two things I really recommend for working on long projects:

  1. Keep a daily log! One thing I really struggled with for the first year of development was this feeling like I was getting nothing done. Logging what you do every day can give you something tangible to look at and see “oh wait no progress has been made” and it makes a world of a difference.
  2. Make your log as fucking god-awful-ugly as you humanly can. Maybe it’s just the way art school poisoned how I think about sketchbooks, but it can be really tempting to want to make your logs an art object on their own. Resist all temptations to have proper grammar, spelling, form. Settle for coherent and move on. If you set a precedent of fancy logs with headers and pictures you slowly build log-making into another task rather than a reward for completing one, and then you won’t do it! Or at least I won’t lol. I like to type into the most basic notepad file possible so I don’t even have the OPTION to bold text.