#we can talk when you’re grown






pls… i beg of you… reblog creations… or else there won’t be any more creations

it makes me so sad to see so many creators talking in the tags about how they’re not creating as much because less and less people are interacting. this is proof that interaction is vital.this is proof that a lack of interaction leads to discouraged creators and leads to less creations. liking—and only liking—does not encourage creators.

and that’s because (1) the purpose of this website is to share things that bring us joy and (2) likes don’t share things or ensure something is seen by more people, not like they do on other sites. so, when so many people decide to only like a post and not share it (i.e. not reblog it), that tells the creator that those people didn’t think their hard work was worth sharing with others. that’s discouraging. 

and the creator isn’t the only one that gets something out of that. you get something, too. you get the joy of sharing something you like; that’s a meaningful experience for both you and for the creator. and that experience—that interaction—encourages the creator to create more, and so there’s more joy to be had for both you and the creator.

long story short, interaction (i.e., reblogging, which is interaction in its simplest form on this site) brings joy. it’s literally all about the joy, people. the joy in discovering and sharing and appreciating and marveling at creations. so please reblog—for everyone’s sake, including your own. 

REBLOG!! Support content creators!

Imagine being this pretentious

So glad every creator isn’t like this person because holy shit, that would be actual hell.

Just stepping over here to address something/someone right quick:

I might have dropped this into a DM, but since a comment I left in a post was screencapped and then removed from the comments by the OP, and then pasted into a reblog by the OP and further commented on, I needed to address it in Public, because I Said What I Said.

Imagine being so self-centered and put out over a comment that wasn’t aboutyou in the first place, but just expressing an opinion about how I was not ever letting a lack of reblogs make menot want to continue to create.

That’s not being pretentious, dear sweet summer center of the universe child.

That’sme(notyou) being a person who makes things for the joy of Making. A person who most times Creates and happily shares the thing and is fine with it just existing, having loved even just the process of creating it. A person who, for some reason, feels the need to Create.

Maybeyou create to get attention, crclocalunhingedsith. Maybe you make things because you seek validation. Maybe validation soothes your insecurities. That’s nice, if that works for you, but that’s not me. (The subject of my comment.) That’s not why I do what I do. Never has been the reason.

Again, this is not“pretension”.

You ever made anything just because you felt a desire, a need to? And just the making of the thing fed your soul, and it’s not about getting reblogs/likes/validation?

Don’t get it twisted: if someone actually likes what I do, wants to Share it? Or just Like it, drop a Comment and/or Discuss it? I’m honored, humbled and happy as hell because I don’t expect anyone to read anything I write. I don’t feel entitled like that.

I stay surprised and delighted onhere even just seeing 1 Note - Liked,because I don’t expect to see any Notes onhere. Let me say that again so you understand: I don’t expectanything.

It is wonderful to have engagement around something I made…I really do enjoy that. But unlike you, person who screencapped my response, removed it from your Comments, and then reblogged it with your little response, that’s not the reason why Icreate.

So. I’ll be over here minding my Black and Grownup Business, doing my thing, creating, regardless of the number or lack of reblogs or comments or whatever. Me. Not you.

Finally, yes, share what you like. Share what brings you joy. Introduce others to some good stuff. And Thank the creators who are making cool stuff…and giving it to us for free…for whatever their reason.

Have a really wonderful remainder of your Holiday Weekend, @crclocalunhingedsith

And now back to our regularly scheduled program.
