#we die like tim’s sleep schedule


One of my favorite Maribat fics are definitely male Marinette and female Damian (genderbending) and it’s really a pity there aren’t a lot of them.

I’ve got this idea in my head for a while so here we go

So Mari (Marin) has been living in Gotham for a while and he’s been dating Dami (Dahlia) in secret ( I imagine Chloe (Claude) and Jon (Jess) are the only ones to know though)

They’re like 24/25, and they’ve probably been dating for like two years at this point.

the batboys and girls have noticed Dami acting weird sometimes, but it wasn’t anything they thought of seriously until Dami wanted to move out for no reason other than ‘i need my own personal space’ to say everyone was caught off guard was an understatement, they were utterly Shocked but they respected it.

So Dami moves out and into an apartment with Marin, and like I said before, no one knows they’re dating other than Claude and Jess (I imagine something happing between them too if Ya know what I mean :’3) anyways, it gets harder to hide their relationship from her family since they live together but it’s totally worth it.

I imagine all these different scenarios, like a house/apartment warming part with her family and Marin having to hide in his office just to avoid them, them casually dropping in Unannounced, and Marin and Dahlia having to get creative with hiding him, and she has to come up with excuses about why there are two glasses of wine out, or who she was talking to, etc.

This goes on for six months before someone figures it out, and it’s the girls because I say so UwU.

I imagine, they felt that Dahlia was hiding something from them (call it sisters intuition) and they went to investigate, it didn’t take long for them to figure it out, they, of course, felt a bit of betrayal, but after they got to know Marin and his perfection they understood the reason Dahlia didn’t want him to meet their family, they would probably act like total idiots (Dick, Jason, Tim, Bruce. Alfred, of course, knew. I don’t know much about Duke so I’ll just not add him but you can imagine he found out with the girls, cuz why not)

Let’s time skip a few months cuz why not, This how I imagine the guys find out about Daminette.

So it’s another rogue attack and scarecrow manages to inject Robin with the new fear toxin, blah, blah, blah, they beat him, blah, blah, blah, they get back to the cave, they give her the antidote and take some blood when she’s passed out to make sure the toxin is out of her system, and when the results are back, bam,she’s pregnant, the boys are shocked af and run it three more times and when it comes back the same every time they freak and as soon as she’s awake they start interrogating her, Dahlia at first is confused since she didn’t know, so the guys had to stop for a second to look at each other then back at her and tell her she was pregnant, the first thing her face showed was shock then it turned as red as Marin’s Scarlet bug suit, back to the boys and their shocked faces, seeing their sister/daughter with an embarrassed expression was not something they expected, Bruce, Dick, and Jason thought they were injected with the new fear toxin, Tim just thought he was hallucinating from lack of sleep. anyways after about 5 minutes of that, they snap out of it and start asking questions again, and Dahlia seeing no way out of it finally tells them about Marin. To say they were shocked was yet again, an understatement, Queue The boys breaking out into a shocked debate/argument and low key acting like idiots. Also, queue the girls walking in and being confused af,

Barbara: “what’s going on?”

Tim low key in denial this is even reality drinking coffee: “Deamon Spawn’s pregnant.”

The girls: “what!? You’re pregnant!? :D”

Steph “it’s Marins, right? :’3)


Steph “sheesh, I was joking :P”

Bruce, Dick, Jason: “YOU KNEW!”

Time skip #2

She tells Mari, blah, blah, blah, Marin meets the fam, blah, blah, blah, they have baby, blah, blah, blah, they get married.

The end

Sorry for the rushed ending, I really didn’t feel like writing it :P

(This is how I imagine the apartment just with different colors)

If anyone ever reads or has read something similar please @ me (doesn’t have to be genderbend)
