#we had an us day


ok so we took our niece to see Jurassic World, which she already saw once but he wanted to see it,

and then we got Wendy’s and watched Coraline for the first time on netflix, which i didn’t actually know anything about except for Button Eyes. that was it. that was all i knew about the film. and holy shit? it was really good. fucked up! but really good. well made and well written. great music, well acted. we both really enjoyed it. i adored the lil awkward slouchy boy. 

and then, because today was hot as balls and yesterday sucked and we wanted it,

we went to carvel and got softserve ice cream

and we came back and ate it while we watched another thing on netflix we’d never seen. a film called Tale of Tales with Salma Hayek & John C. Reilly, which was an adaptation of three separate fairytale stories woven into one plot. it was SUPER #aesthetic. and fucked up! but enjoyable also. and like, my one complaint is, 

ok this isn’t really a spoiler bc you know in your heart as soon as shit gets started that John C. Reilly’s character is Gonna Die, youknow he is, but like. i really wanted to see more of him. i was hoping against hope but i definitely knew he was toast. damn he’s a good actor tho! and i’d love to see more of him in roles like that. i mean, aside from dying really early in the film.

so yeah.

yesterday was rotten but today was good. today makes up for yesterday. we saw three fucked up films today. like, okay. Jurassic World was fucked up in a whole different way than the other two but it was still fucked up
