#we talking fic


Seven Sentence Sunday

bc@herodiaz tagged me and is a menace

The next touch he feels is a gentle hand brushing across his cheek, and Buck does flinch this time, not just in surprise but also at the temperature difference. The hand touching his face is warm and Buck has to fight against the urge to lean into it.

“You cold, kid?”

Ricky’s hand moves to cup his cheek, spreading the heat down his neck, and Buck unwillingly lets out a shuttered breath.

“Yeah, you’re freezing,” Ricky says, chuckling. “So, how about this? You be a good boy and nod to the camera, and I can get you a blanket.”

This is from my latest fic that I’m trying to finish tonight!


word game

tagged by @herodiaz to post snippets based on words i’m given

bleed: didn’t have anything, sorry!


“Alright, bring him out here.” 
Hands grab onto his ankles suddenly, and Buck yelps as he’s pulled across the floor of the vehicl


“Psst. Buckley. Give us a smile, would ya?”It’s Ricky. He can feel the man hovering over him and can practically hear the smirk shaping the man’s words. 


The men start talking over each other at the same time that Bobby responds back. He can barely make out what Bobby is saying, but the worry lacing his voice is palpable. It fills him with a sense of calm that he shouldn’t have when there are at least three men trying to restrain Buck with their brute strength.

and i’m going to tag @homerforsure@sadieyuki@princessfbiand@renecdote with the words hold,flinch,love, and cry

Seven Sentence Sunday

tagged by @herodiazand@princessfbi, two of my fav enablers this is also definitely more than seven sentences but fuck the rules, i wanted to share a snippet

“I’m sorry I didn’t answer your call,” he says.

Eddie nods without looking away from the road. “Why didn’t you?” He asks.

Buck’s shrug is so small that Eddie nearly misses it out of the corner of his vision, but he knows there’s a reason— already has an inkling of why.

“Remember that I saw the news, Buck. I have an idea of what happened on that call. You don’t usually have a problem coming home after a long shift. What was different?”

Buck does something with his face that he can’t see clearly.

“There’s a difference between a long or hard shift and a bad one,” Buck murmurs.

“Yeah,” Eddie concedes. “And you know that the difference shouldn’t hold you back from coming here.”

Buck tugs at his bottom lip with his teeth and shakes his head.

“I didn’t want to bring all of my baggage to you. I thought I’d have a couple drinks to drown out my sorrows and then—” Buck lets out a shaky breath and presses his hand to teary eyes. “Saying it outloud makes it sound so stupid.”

“Hey,” Eddie says sharply, “nothing you feel is stupid, Buck.”

and yes i’m aware that i’m posting this after midnight but it’s still sunday until i fall asleep so

tagging@mellaithwen@homerforsureand@sadieyuki if it’s not to late for that
