#weasley twins fluff


Birds To Spellbooks- epilogue

A/ N- i was very seriously considering having the two of them break up but we have gone through enough :’) yall deserve a happy ending so here it is i love u muah

June 1st, the last day of fourth year for y/n. Today she was accompanied by George Weasley at the black lake (a popular spot for the duo) for their last day of the year together. The two hadn’t labeled themselves as ‘boyfriend and girlfriend’, it was deeper than that, they felt. Their hearts just belonged to each other, and everyone knew it. They’d been inseparable since the night of the yule ball where they spent the night at the astronomy tower, exchanging early vows and promising their young lives to one another. Stupid, young love. When you’re young and immature you grow up and grow apart from the ones you say you’ll be with forever, but experience is healthy and forever isn’t as long as most people would like it to be. Forever is a lie, and y/n and George had come to terms with it. Their forever was spent cherishing their youth together.

“My love?” George muttered, looking down at their entwined fingers, his playing with the rings on hers. He looked at the matching ones on his.

Her eyelids fluttered at his soft words before looking up at him. “Hm?”

It was hard for him to speak. The whole day for George had been spent trying not to cry at the thought of having to leave her side soon. He nervously tried to get his question out.

Her hand left his and lifted his chin up to look at her.

“Would you like to visit me this summer?” Her soft eyes melted his heart and his words came out easier.

This detail of their relationship had developed over the course of finals. George had been stressed beyond belief while y/n helped him study. He would ruffle his hair in frustration and rub tears from his eyes until they were red. The first time he did it, y/n placed her hands on his over his eyes and moved them. Her face would be closer to his and she’d look into his eyes and tell him he was going to do wonderful. They’d look into each other’s eyes until he’d calmed down and she started giggling, causing him to laugh. Her eyes were a safe haven for him, he was comfortable.

His question about visiting him over the summer made her heart race as she struggled to compose herself. “I’d love nothing more. Maybe sneaking out at night will be easier somewhere smaller.” She laughed.

He didn’t notice how lit up his face was, as he was too focused on hers. He didn’t even think before he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her with every ounce of love he’d given her every single day since the Yule Ball. She would be asking his parents for every embarrassing story of him, and he would be beginning his blessing speech for her father.
