#weekes did say we would get closure though



I was kinda bummed, thinking 10 years has passed since Solas left Lavellan. 

10 years…  surely they will pass on the torch to someone younger.. when half the inquisitions companions were late 30s to 40s ? & there will be no true closure apart from a lacklustre minor nod in DA4? 

Then I recalled at whatever time in the AM it was, that Elves for one, dont age like humans do.. I swear I saw they lived for much longer then we are used to. 

It also made my heart ache to think Solas and Lavellan, 10 years separated and yet, he still lingers at the corner of her dreams.. just to catch a glimpse of her.. just to watch over her in the land of dreams where he roams and rules.. Always nearby yet forever out of reach. 

& lavellan who lays each night, hoping to see just a glimpse of him.. Lavellan who , perhaps not every night.. but certainly more then a few , reaches for him every once in a while, beckoning he return to her.. to them…  only for him to shy away.. The pain that it is to reach for someone you love , and to have them pull away? is an unbearable one..

These two absolute heartbreaking fools… 
