#weightloss success



Only a couple of weeks ago, I committed to losing weight, after putting half a stone (7lb) on over Christmas. I knew that more exercise wasn’t an option with the COVID situation, plus it’s winter and difficult to get out for walks.

Although my main meals are healthy, I was guilty of eating mindlessly, and telling myself I deserved treats and it all got out of hand. So I’ve joined the Noom programme, as I’ve tried Weight Watchers in the past with some success, but the app blurb claimed that it uses psychology to help develop good eating habits and strategies.

One of the recommendations it to share progress with other folk, so rather than go on Facebook, I thought I’d post here, for anyone interested. If anyone would like to chat about weight loss and a healthy lifestyle, please message me. I’m not an expert, I’m just making an effort to commit to a healthier mindset and lose weight in the process.

Keep reading

Just an update for anyone interested. I changed to another app, largely because it was UK based and their database was better. The psychological approach of Noom definitely gave me a flying start, but the innacuracies of their database and the general tone of the app grated on me.

I started in February this year, and now in November, I am finally a healthy BMI for the first time since had my kids, which is a looong time. I have to stop and look at myself in the mirror sometimes, and I’ve had to get new clothes as the old ones just hang on me now. That’s almost three stone lost - a stone is 14lb, so that’s getting on for 40lb. If anything, the pandemic has helped, as I’ve not been able to go out socialising or be tempted by different scenarios, and I’ve had a lot of time to devote to counting calories and cooking healthier meals.

I rarely snack now, and very rarely eat anything sweet. The things I find hardest to control are crisps (chips) and alcohol. I’ve been able to track how much I drink and mostly keep within my 14 units a week. I’ve not really changed how much I exercise, but I try to go for a walk most days, weather permitting. I can recommend Rick Bhullar’s walking workouts on youtube if you want to get your step count or heart rate up at home.

I’m so happy I made the decision to start losing weight, and utterly delighted at my success. I’m going to lose a little more to keep under the maximum BMI for my hieght, then find out how easy/hard maintenance is. Wish me luck!
