#welcome to night vale sentence starters


Welcome To Night Vale — Episode 1: Pilot {Sentence Starters}

  • ❛❛ The moon is beautiful, and mysterious lights pass overhead while we all pretend to sleep. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ It is possible you will see Hooded Figures in the dog park. Do not approach them. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ Try not to look at the dog park, and especially do not look for any period of time at the Hooded Figures. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ _____ says the Angels revealed themselves to him/her. Said they were ten feet tall, radiant, and one of them was black. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ Who is he? What does he want from us? ❜❜
  • ❛❛ He says he is a scientist. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ But why now? Why here? ❜❜
  • ❛❛ Cover your ears to blot out the screams. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ Gatorade is basically soda, so give your kids plain old water and maybe some orange slices when they play. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ He has a square jaw, and teeth like a military cemetery. His hair is perfect, and we all hate, and despair, and love that perfect hair in equal measure. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ He grinned, and everything about him was perfect, and I fell in love instantly. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ I fear for anyone caught between what they know and what they don’t yet know that they don’t know. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ Guns don’t kill people. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ It’s impossible to be killed by a gun. We are all invincible to bullets and it’s a miracle. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ Lights. Seen in the sky above the Arby’s. Not the glowing sign of Arby’s. Something higher, and beyond that. We know the difference. We’ve caught on to their game. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ The future is here, and it’s about 100 feet above the Arby’s. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ The sun didn’t set at the correct time today. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ We must be grateful to have the sun at all. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ _____ would like to remind you about the tiered Heavens, and the hierarchy of Angels. The reminder is that you should not know anything about this. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ Please do not speak to or acknowledge any Angels that you may come across. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ Alligators: can they kill your children? Yes. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ I think the best way to die would be swallowed by a giant snake. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ Whatever population that city has, they know about us now, and we might be hearing from them very soon. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ _____ looked nervous. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ I hope all of you out there have someone to sleep through the evening with. Or, at least, good memories of when you did. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ Goodnight. ❜❜
  • ❛❛ Look to the north. Keep looking. There’s nothing coming from the south. ❜❜