#well see how this goes


you can find me at @yeagerbombs now this blog will remain up as an archive, thank you for over a year and a half on this blog! i can’t wait to make new memories on this new one

masterlist||fic recs ||  other tags

((a couple of my grey-tone markers are dried out ;w; trying to revive them now with some rubbing alcohol.

Trying something new here: 

Send me an ask with a number from one of these prompts and a clone (whatever clone you like) and I’ll do my best to write a one shot with them!

  1. “Stay with me.”
  2. “You wouldn’t understand.”
  3. “Please.”
  4. “You want to say that one more time?” 
  5. “Try me.”
  6. “It’s too dangerous.” 
  7. “You wouldn’t believe me.” 
  8. “You have to trust me.”
  9. “I missed you.” 
  10. “Talk to me.” 
  11. “No!” 
  12. “Stay awake!”
  13. “Don’t you even think about it.” 
  14. “Hey.”
  15. “You are so…” 
  16. “It’s not safe here.” 
  17. “You’re everything to me.” 
  18. “I don’t care!” 
  19. “You have to let go.” 
  20. “It’s not too bad.” 
  21. “Leave me.” 
  22. “Could be worse.” 
  23. “Remember when you said you wanted me to fight for you?”
  24. “Well, well, well.”
  25. “Things are different now.” 
  26. “I love you.”