#well there u go

strovii:shooting starstrovii:shooting starstrovii:shooting starstrovii:shooting starstrovii:shooting starstrovii:shooting star


shooting star

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I was tagged by @relatable-books and I’m just gonna start a new thread because the original was getting pretty long haha

Nickname: On here it’s Arli

Zodiac: idk, not my thing (but my MBTI is INFJ)

Height: 5’ 4″

Hogwarts House: idk, also not my thing (but my alignment is neutral good)

Last Thing I Googled: pokemon go shiny trade cost

Song Stuck in My Head: soundtrack to a movie, idk the track name though

Number of Followers:267!

Amount of Sleep: oof, bad day to ask… probably 6 hours but I need 10

Lucky Number: not a luck thing but I like the number 8

Dream Job: I’m actually not sure anymore

Wearing: t-shirt and blue jeans as per usual

Favorite Song: no idea lol; right now I’ve been listening to some new vocaloid

Favorite Instrument: I always wished I could play violin

Aesthetic: moss probably

Favorite Animal Noise: mrrrp (from a cat)

Favorite Author: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle! though tbh I only read his Sherlock Holmes books

Random:if you ask me how I am I’m going to say “tired” 100% of the time. I am always tired, this is my life now

Sorry for lots of lame answers! :)

Tagging:hmm can I reach 17… @labyrinthine-intj@alcmeneinfp@doctorstarlock@fuzzykiwi-fruitmaster@auntcat42@intrpspection@infj-17@justinfjthings@lazyenfptriestobeproductive@mbti-enemies@pancakesandcaffeine@rokasai@stemfandomtrash@thescatteredscribbles@yourlocalinfj@erinbeth@me-is-an-intj

Thanks for tagging me @infj-arli!


Zodiac: Complete superstition don’t @ me


Hogwarts House: Never read the books or seen the movies ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Last Thing I Googled: Dune Series

Song Stuck In My Head: Supersonic Rocketship by The Kinks

Number of Followers:1,306

Amount of Sleep: I’m usually good about getting 8 hours but last night… maybe 5?

Lucky Number:(ಠ_ಠ)

Dream Job: It varies day-to-day. Last time I did one of these I wanted to be a nuclear physicist. Today I’m feeling musician.

Wearing: tank top and shorts that don’t match at all

Favorite Song: Again, it varies. How am I supposed to decide between Welcome to the Black Parade and Unaccompanied Cello Suite No. 1 in G Major

Favorite Instrument: Call me basic but I love how versatile the piano is.

Aesthetic: A strange combination of cottagecore and minimalism. Can’t picture it? Neither can I.

Favorite Animal Noise: the little squeak my cat makes when she hugs her nose to her chest and stretches!

Favorite Author: Orson Scott Card maybe? Idk the man is crazy but he writes good books.

Random: I’m currently sitting in the middle of an open field watching the sunset.

No obligation. Just for fun @watchyourlanguagepeople@furiouslyescaping@seer-of-lxght@soyougotadhd@quizblr@pancakesandcaffeine@safaannissa@intj-writer@enthusiasmiert@an-intellectual-soul@art-e-mis@mewbimin7@allisabouthakunamatata@valley240@shituationally@im-questioning-everything@safaannissa

Thank you for tagging me @labyrinthine-intj!




Hogwarts House: I haven´t read the books but… I did the test bc my best friend (f) asked soo Slytherin

Last Thing I Googled: Leibniz Criterion (  Also known as the alternating series test.)

Song Stuck In My Head:Evil by Nadine Shah

Number of Followers:113

Amount of Sleep: It depends on how much work I have to do but usually min 6 and max 10 (in a really good day!!)

Lucky Number: -

Dream Job: I want to do a lot of things but I think I would love to work as a researcher at biotechnology in the health care area

Wearing:over-sized T-shirt and shorts

Favorite Song: hard one, hmm I like one of every genre I listen to soo I couldn´t choose one…

Favorite Instrument: piano.

Aesthetic: minimalist …

Favorite Animal Noise: the yawning sound my dog makes (sooo cuteee <3 )

Favorite Author: Arthur Conan Doyle 

Random: I am watching anime when I should be revising for my lesson, guess I feel ready…?

I tag: @thevhproject,@rhetorical-questioner,@intjhere,@intj-thoughts,@intx-real-life,@officialintj,@intjandothers,@intjandintp,@intjpuff,@intpintjunited,@entp-intj,@intj-bean,@hellaintp,@demossteness,@sapir-whorf-teletubbies,@murderandmbti,@intj-and-infp

Thank you for tagging us @allisabouthakunamatata

Okay idk what INTJ is doing so I am just gonna fill this for both of us ┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌

Nicknames: Bonnie and Clyde lol

Zodiac: INTJ - Leo, ENTP - Pisces 

Height: INTJ is tall, ENTP is smol

Hogwarts House: INTJ - Slytherin (obviously), ENTP - Ravenclaw

Last Thing I Googled:  Idk what she Googles but last night we had a very nice conversation because I searched “how does one become a mob boss”

Song Stuck In My Head: “Through the valley” from the Last of Us part 2. We have weirdly similar music tastes, so yeah. 

Number of Followers: 4574 fellow cryptids (つ▀¯▀)つ

Amount of Sleep: It’s pretty wild man idk. For eg., INTJ has a record for sleeping almost 20 hours or smn but also she stays awake for 2 days straight sometimes.

Lucky Number: what is a lucky number. I like 12, I guess? 

Dream Job: We are both budding scientists ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ (cue: bio-terrorism fantasies) buuut we wanna give up on life, travel to Japan with our friends, and open a small book cafe in the future.  

Wearing: clothes

Favorite Song: total, complete sluts for BTS, and also K-R&B *chef’s kiss*

Favorite Instrument: we are very much into classical music so like violins, piano, cello but also we listen to pop song covers being played using fruits on YouTube, so ??

Aesthetic: A nice, dark thunderstorm, a good book, coffee.

Favorite Animal Noise: INTJ un-ironically meows at people. I am not even kidding. 

Favorite Author: We both love Murakami 

Random: I think INTJ is having one of those 24 hour sleep days 

okay we don’t know many people so i am going to tag randomly - @mimibtsghost@duhh@stupendousslimeempathtoad@heisenberry-blog1@aotfans@breathtakinglandscapes@da-pun-master@yo-why-am-i-here@anime-memememes@all-black-aesthetic@spaceeblack@slowillusion@sunkissedbts@foreverfrowning@fuckyeahtattoos@animeaddictor-blog@still-lovers
