#well this is a lot and also makes a lot of sense





For years now I’ve noticed that so many other asexual people I know are also trans, often nonbinary, so it’s always been a “I have a feeling these two interconnect and it sure feels like there’s a very high percentage of us” thing.  But other than some informal polls run by resource blogs with limited reach, there hadn’t been any solid data on it.

And then lo and behold the study released by the Trevor Project on asexual youth gives me:

A larger proportion of asexual youth were transgender or nonbinary compared to the overall sample of LGBTQ youth. Overall, 25% of the LGBTQ youth in our sample were transgender or nonbinary, and 9% were questioning if they were. This compares to 41% of asexual youth who were transgender or nonbinary, and 13% who were questioning if they were transgender or nonbinary.  (source)

It is so exciting to have some research on this!!

Yeah!! It’s one of those things that’s like. We Know. But it’s nice to have some data on it from an official organization.

I hope this triggers more discussion about how having compulsory sexuality so deeply ingrained in society affects our relationship to gender roles, because that’s been bouncing around in my head for a while. (also amatonormativity… it would be interesting to do a similar study with aromantics)

additional info from the study:

-One in ten queer youths identify as asexual

- Twenty percent of nonbinary youth identify as asexual, and the number is higher than the general population for binary transmen as well

- Asexual youths are more likely to be depressed and anxious than their lgbtq peers. The study’s average rates for anxiety and depression symptoms were 68% and 55% respectively, while for asexuals it was 75% and 61%
