#were expecting a lot of krolia tho

keith-protection-squad:Come celebrate Keithmas with us! A gift exchange for writers and artists wh


Come celebrate Keithmas with us! A gift exchange for writers and artists who love Keith and his fam! 

Theme: All things Keith. Want to draw/write about the Blades’ first holidays on Earth? Blades teaching Keith about Galra holidays? Victory or Death over who gets Keith the best present? Kosmo getting a whole year’s worth of chew toys?! Go wild! 

Rules: All created content needs to be related to Keith. You can pick from Keith family–whether it’s Krolia and Tex, or Keith and Blades. Keith ships are optional too. We love all kinds of Keith. 
Once sign up closes, a random draw will decide who will write/draw your Keithmaswish (prompt), as well as who you will be creating a fic/art for.
Try to create something that your giftee will enjoy. 

Writers: Minimum 2,018 word oneshot. 

Artists: Minimum one finished piece, to your usual standard. 

Posting Date: December 23rd - 26th (Post within this range)
When finished @ mention your giftee + @keith-protection-squad and include #keithmas in the first five tags.

Sign Ups
: Close on November 23rd. 

Sign up HERE

Hey guys! I know this is a Keith exchange but I thought maybe you would be interested! ♥️ So, what do you say? ~ Mod Ina ✨

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