

Ok, I came up with something quirky and fun in a fantasy / horror vain, with a bit of cheeky humor thrown in.  A while back, in a group that I follow, the subject of pig transformation came up.  Well, you know how I like my piggy girls.  So, I was thinking about pig transformation, then I started thinking about Werewolves, and well, this is what came out of my warped mind.

I love the old, silver-screen era, Horror / Monster film genera, and the more recent remakes they have made in that style, that was my jumping off point. Lol, I can totally hear the voice of Sir Anthony Hopkins giving this narration.

Curse Of The Werepig

By The Torture Artist

Hunger! … Insatiable, ravenous hunger and a boundless lust for food govern this creature.  It is clear, that what we are dealing with here, is a Werepig!

Make no mistake, Werepigism is quite dangerous, very real, and not to be taken lightly by any means.  This, ages old curse has been known to afflict both men and women, young and old, it does not discriminate. In this instance however, our subject is a female, perhaps twenty to thirty years of age from the look of things.

Please allow me, to give to you, some facts.

There is an old, Gypsy poem, passed down through generations, that tells us of this curse.

Even a girl who is pure in diet,

and practices eating light.

May become a pig when delicious temptations abound,

and hunger rages, devouring everything in sight.

A Werepig is a vile, gluttonous beast, driven by one desire, and one desire only. Sating her greedy, ravenous hunger.  In the presence of food, just the scant sight or scent of it, the accursed female becomes stricken with uncontrollable food lust, transforming into a Werepig.

Hell bent to satisfy her voracious hunger, she is drawn to any food present, and begins glutting herself with reckless abandon.  Even the mere thought or mention of food can prove disastrous, compelling the subject to obsessively seek food out, wherever it may be.

The Werepig derives great pleasure from her gorging, not only physical and emotional pleasure, but sexual as well.  Her mounting pleasure driving her to yet greater, gluttonous excesses.

Such episodes come to an end only when the ravenous pig is completely sated and satisfied, having gorged herself to her limits, unable to swallow another bite, and left quivering in the throes of gluttony induced orgasm.

From time to time, a gorging may end prematurely, when the supply of food runs out, and the pig cannot locate more easily, or is too gorged to move and search for more.  Typically such instances end in a squealing, grunting fit of hunger pains, until the exhausted pig finally drifts off into a post gluttonous stupor and passes out.

The accursed will often awaken in her own bed, bloated, swollen and sore, with no memory of what happened.  Only her hugely swollen, aching belly, evidence of what transpired, her face and body smeared with the aftermath of her gluttony.

On occasion, when the pig has glutted herself to the point of incapacitation, she may awaken in the very spot where she gorged herself into unconsciousness, surrounded by the devastation her greedy excess has wrought.  Emptied food containers, boxes, bags, cans, bottles and wrappers scattered all about.  Plates, platters and pans licked spotlessly clean and discarded in the wake of her orgy of gluttony.

Often, the confused, horrified girl will dismiss the episodes as some malady akin to sleep walking, too embarrassed to say anything to anyone, or seek help.  Attempting to remedy the situation with sleep inducing elixirs, diet potions and exercise regimens, none of which of course does any good.  Then, by the time the curse has her fully in it’s grip, it is too late!

There is a further complication due the the fact that our Werepig is female. Should this girl attempt to procreate, her offspring, her piglets, would be born into the Werepig curse, suffering the same afflictions and compulsions as their mother sow.

A Werepig’s appearance is quite distinctive, typically manifesting as a partial, anthropomorphic transformation.  Looking very much human in many respects, with the exception of the elongated, flattened snout, floppy ears, and squiggly tail, characteristic of a common pig.

Varying degrees of transformation have been documented, relatable directly to the voracity of the pig’s hunger.  Such deeper transformations often accompanied by the emergence of multiple teats, the feet and hands morphing into four digit, hooven-like appendages.  

Full, quadrupedal ungulate transformations occurring only when the Werepig is starved and desperate for food.  It is in this form that the Werepig is most aggressive, unpredictable and dangerous.

In her Werepig form, the girl’s appetite and capacity are increased significantly. Leaving the girl massively stuffed and bloated in the aftermath, and thus, keeping her hunger at bay a large portion of the day.

In the early stages, the pig may only feed two, or possibly three times a day. However, as the curse advances and the pigs capacity and appetite increases, so too shall the frequency of her feedings increase.

As a result of her gluttonous repasts, the afflicted will gain weight rapidly. Piling it on by the tens of pounds, by the hundreds, inevitably becoming a horrifyingly obese monster of a girl.

The curse is spread to other victims in two ways, by either being born into it, as previously mentioned, or, via the bite of a Werepig.  Such bites are typically accidental, caused by someone getting too close while the pig is feeding.

Unless starved, the pig is generally non violent, primarily focussing her full attention upon gorging.  She will not attack unless provoked, or if perhaps you are holding a turkey drumstick, a piece of cake, or the like.  However, attempting to withhold food from the pig can cause her to become quite aggressive.  It is best to stay well clear of the pig while she is feeding, lest you be bitten accidentally.  Likewise, hand feeding the pig is ill advised.

As to how this girl may have become afflicted, it is impossible to guess.  Quite likely, she herself was the victim of a Werepig bite.  But we cannot know this for certain until we have examined her closely.

There is no cure for Werepigism, the pig will continue to gorge herself and fatten indefinitely, growing massively obese, and eventually, gorging herself into immobility.  Typically, the only means of slowing or halting this process is complete abstinence and isolation from food and drink, which is of course impossible, as the girl requires sustenance in order to survive.  Further, her Werepig self will not tolerate starvation, and will compel the girl to unconsciously seek food out.

The curse only comes to an end once the pig has gorged herself into complete immobility, rendering her incapable of seeking food on her own, and ultimately, withers from starvation.  Or, on rare occasion, gorges herself to the point of exploding.  

Often, doting friends and loved ones feeling pity for the immobile girl, will bring food to her, to ease her suffering and hunger pains, but this only prolongs the inevitable.  Not to mention, putting said friends and loved ones at great risk.

We must be diligent, if we are to spare this girl such torment, we must find her.

In human form, the Werepig can often be identified by her rapidly ballooning waistline.  She will also bare the mark of the pig.  Appearing much like a birthmark on the upper portion of her left rump.  A mark in the form of two, conjoined arches, forming what looks like a stylized M.  We will inspect every female, from the chubby and the pleasantly plump, to the downright obese, going door to door if need be.

In addition to her identifiable physical characteristics, the accursed will begin to exhibit distinct behavioral changes.  She will hoard food, stockpiling her sty, compelled to do so without the slightest understanding of why she’s doing it, only feeling the need to surround herself with as much food as possible.  She will obtain it by any means necessary, purchasing excessive amounts, rooting through garbage for scraps, even stealing it if she has to.

She will develop slovenly habits and an apathetic lifestyle.  Her living quarters, her sty, becoming cluttered with the discarded packagings, wrappers and containers of past, gluttonous episodes, as well as the mounds of hoarded food, all placed within easy access.

Also becoming neglectful of her grooming and personal hygiene, bathing infrequently, forgoing cosmetics and perfumes, her once neatly kept hair in disarray.  Taking to wearing baggy, oversized, unflattering clothing to hide her increasing weight, and often opting for no clothing at all within the safety of her home sty.

When we find this girl, bare in mind, she is a victim, an innocent.  She will be frightened, confused, and wary.  We must approach her accordingly, treat her with compassion, and above all, we must not provoke her, lest we trigger her transformation.  Then, things would become far more serious.

Fortunately, the accursed customarily tends to be a bit of a shut in, choosing to remain out of the public view, embarrassed by her inexplicable, rapid weight gain.  Preferring to have food, groceries and other necessities delivered rather than venturing out herself.  As a result, her gluttonous, metamorphic episodes are most often, generally triggered in the home, where she lives, in the kitchen, the pantry, and so on.

But as the evidence shows, this pig has already begun to venture outside of her pen, her appetite growing beyond the contents of her home stash.  The Werepig’s hunger knows no bounds.  Once engaged in her feeding frenzy, the pig will continue to seek out food wherever she can find it, until she is completely gorged and satisfied.

Imagine what might happen if this pig should be compelled to seek food out in a public place, filled with people, an eatery, a pub, the local market place.  The results could be catastrophic.  Who knows how many could possibly become afflicted.  We must locate this girl, and quickly, if such incidents are to be avoided.  Heaven forbid this piggy should ever go to market.

The only known method of killing a Werepig is by impalement, with a shaft of pure, solid silver, shoved down it’s throat and out through it’s backside while in it’s transformed state.  It is a dangerous and gruesome endeavor, and I for one will not stand to see some young girl shish-kabobed.

Therefore, the only means at our disposal of helping this girl and sparing the community, is to circumvent her hunger by keeping her well fed, thus staving off the Werepig within.

She will require near constant, round the clock feeding, keeping her stuffed full and satisfied at all times, she must never know hunger again. It will require sacrifice and participation from everyone, donating and preparing food, volunteers to feed the girl, and tend to her personal needs.

The cost is this, or allowing a Werepig to run amok through your community, leaving a path of mayhem and destruction in her wake.  As long as the girl is kept gorged with food, further transformations can be abated.

We should be prepared in the event the girl is none to keen on the idea of being endlessly fed and fattened.  It may be necessary to bind and restrain her, force feeding may be required.  A heavy diet, high in fat and carbohydrates will help render her lethargic and docile.

If more extreme measures are called for, I do have herbal additives which may be mixed into her food.  They will help sedate the girl, rendering her far more susceptible to our plans.  In time she will become accustomed to her new lifestyle, and may even come to enjoy the pampering and attentiveness.

The girl is doomed to become massively obese, there is no preventing it.  But at least under a managed feeding regimen, the rate of her gains will be significantly reduced.  It is far better than she being left to suffer under the out of control, gluttonous rampages induced by her Werepig curse.  It’s the only chance she has at some semblance of a normal life.
