#werewolf x puppy


yk how cheetahs sometimes get golden retrievers as anxiety relief buddies?

werewolf held in captivity. puppy boy given to him to relieve stress.

sometimes its the stress of a day full of visitors, or testing, or medical checks. sometimes its just a long day. sometimes its the full moon. but whenever your wolf starts pacing or growling, you’re always there to help calm him down.

all you ever need to do is start running your hands across his skin and through his fur, and his attention is turned fully to you. he takes out all of his latent energy on you, scooping you up and spearing you deep on his cock, distracting himself beautifully and relaxing in the afterglow of breeding a pretty puppy hole.

and of course, you’re his precious love even when he isnt feeling overwhelmed- you get to cuddle up with him in his enclosure and fill yourself with werewolf cock anytime you desire, satisfied and comfortable.

theres no better life to have
