#weve been robbed lads



Honestly the most unrealistic thing in Transformers Prime’s canon is Miko being a foreign exchange Student with how she behaves.

If maybe the show gave some more indicators of how she behaves differently when in the presence of other adults and that she only really lets loose in the presence of her friends, that would’ve added to her character. Like suddenly she’s the most polite, well behaved, soft spoken kid ever and how could she possibly be a wild thing?

It could also be a funny cute bit of Jack asking Miko “Who are you and what have you done with our Miko?”

Miko just looks at him and Raf and sticks her tongue out at them.

Jack and Raf sticks their tongues out back and it’s just a funny bit of them being friends laughing together.

It also shows that Miko feels comfortable and trusts them to not put on a fake mask around them.

I have to agree with this. Miko seems more of an American kid rather than a foreign exchange student from Japan.

It would have been nice to hear Miko speak Japanese when she was really excited or super aggravated. It could have made a nice bonding moment for the kids to trade languages because nothing’s more cool than leaning new curse words in a foreign language.

Or have the kids talk about the differences between Japan and the US, especially culture, food, and education. Where’s the confusion over Americanisms and the pizza-that-must-be-avoided-at-all-costs? The variety/minimal club options? An off-hand comment that detentions don’t fazed her: Do homework? Already done. Easy. Have to clean a classroom? No problem she’s used to cleaning a student responsibility in Japan. That includes toilets. Have to stay after-school? No sweat, back at home she stayed after school for club activities and took public transport back to her place.
