#we’ll miss u lr



as some of you have maybe noticed i answered a lot of asks tonight and posted a very long essay from my drafts

i wanted to make sure everything was cleaned up and gone because i will be leaving this blog 

im tired and do not wish to continue 

i know i am leaving things in capable hands and i did have fun for awhile doing this but it became to much

i stopped drawing and i stopped caring about myself which is not great my health is not going to come second behind an anonymous troll blog

but i want to make it clear that im not leaving because of the beetlebabe shippers i am leaving because i am tired of trying to please everyone when its impossible to do so and i am leaving because i want to be myself again

honestly the babe shippers as stupid and awful and annoying as they were, were a cakewalk compared to some of the inhouse drama, and thats something the babes definitely have on us 

theyre stupid but they are stupid together

i will miss the fun but i will not miss having to read raes shitty posts or nastis bad takes and i will happily never have to read about smol lydias therapist partner ever again thank god and hopefully ill never have to look at whatever suz is passing off as art any time soon

phew i have been wanting to do that for awhile jesus christ


dont blame yourselves any of you including the people i mentioned before you folks had nothing to do with my departure i am leaving as an act of self preservation

i honestly feel like a lot of you are better at staying in your lane than you used to be i still hate you of course but hey youve left me alone i can appreciate that


i just want to enjoy being alive again and pretending to be a 1034 year old dead man isnt really doing it for me right now

as you may know i do not have access to this blogs password so once i log out thats it i am out of here

so i will be logging out after i post this

thank you all for the journey and keep fighting the good fight

remember folks

pedophilia is wrong simulated cp is wrong using it to cope with trauma isnt a good way to cope with trauma trans people are allowed to love themsleves beetlejuice is a jewish coded character and making a poop joke isnt a death threat dont mess with orion listen to bipoc voices never resort to threats of violence dont fuck around with minors rae is an idiot and finally

beetlejuice loves you very much

Thank you all for the support and the laughs over the last few months.  No, I will not be dropping any other socials or anything and I do not plan on making a super-secret-super-cool comeback.  This is it.  I’m going to move forward and I know I’m leaving things in good hands.  But also if you ever think ‘wow this is really taking a toll on me’ then please, stop.  It’s not worth it.  You’re worth more than internet bullfuckery.  Anyway.  It’s going to be really hard getting back into using punctuation and capitalization, but i’ll get there.  Love you guys.



(and the editing team)
