#what fucking fools these mortals be






a month ago i picked up a book on stage directing in my school’s black box and opened to a random page and it was something about making shakespearean actors rehearse by adding the word fuck to their lines to turn the archaic language into something familiar for the emotional resonance (of course taking it out as rehearsals move along to fix rhythm/etc but just to start off) and the example it gave was the solid flesh speech. like. iirc it was specifically “but two fucking months dead”

and like. im obsessed with this. as a concept. not even for acting i just think it’s so fucking funny. to be or not to be, that’s the fucking question. is this a fucking dagger i see before me. this is the excellent fuckery of the world -

What fucking fire is in mine ears? Here is my fucking butt.

“Press not a falling man too fucking far!” - Lord Chamberlain,Henry VIII, Act 3 scene 2

One of my absolute favourite things in the world is a ‘fuck run’. If the energy is too low, or the intensity is dropping the director might ask you to run a scene, or sometimes even the whole play, and insert ‘fuck’ or any of its derivatives wherever you feel the urge to. I have never experienced anything so quickly and ferociously liven a scene. It’s like a defibrillator. 

Once did the last half of Oedipus Rex as a ‘fuck run’ leading to such incredible double entendres as: ‘Oedipus, son, dear child, who motherfucking bore you’.

Other highlights from times I’ve either taken part or seen a fuck run:

“I would eat his heart in the fucking marketplace”
”I have, of late, though wherefore I know the fuck not, lost all my motherfucking mirth.”
“Your royal father’s fucking murdered.” “Fuckfuckfuck. O, by fucking who?”
”Gentlemen, remember that I am a fucking ass”
”Why the fuck did you bring these fucking daggers from the place? They must lie fucking there! Fuck! Go fucking carry them, and smear the sleepy grooms with fucking blood”
“Screw your courage the FUCKING sticking place and we’ll not fail”
