
lil-ye: “We On An Ultralight Beam”


“We On An Ultralight Beam”

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Support LOVE POSITIVE WOMEN on KickstarterLINK TO DONATELet’s expand a platform for communitie

Support LOVE POSITIVE WOMEN on Kickstarter


Let’s expand a platform for communities to engage in acts of love and caring for women living with HIV.

LOVE POSITIVE WOMEN is an international series of grassroots events that uses Valentine’s Day as a backdrop, creating a platform for individuals and communities to engage in public and private acts of love and caring for self-identifying women living with HIV. Working from a place of strength, LOVE POSITIVE WOMEN focuses on the idea of interconnectedness, relationship building, loving oneself and loving ones community.

Since 1988, Visual AIDS has utilized art to fight AIDS by provoking dialogue, supporting HIV+ artists and preserving a legacy, because AIDS is not over. LOVE POSITIVE WOMEN is an ongoing project originally established by Visual AIDS Artist+ Member Jessica Whitbread in 2013.  LOVE POSITIVE WOMEN valentine making workshops became an annual Visual AIDS project in 2014.

“Why not do something nice for the women most forgotten about?” asks Whitbread. “Taking the time to do something for someone else is really beneficial to society as a whole. Don’t underestimate the value in something as simple as sending a valentine.”

In our first year, we made and mailed approximately 100 valentines. Since then, demand for the program has increased enthusiastically. This year, 60 participants created 550 handmade valentines for HIV+ women around the world!

LOVE POSITIVE WOMEN is rapidly growing and we need your support to keep our valentine workshops thriving. Help us to grow our LOVE POSITIVE WOMEN workshops, expanding our reach to HIV+ women.  

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Adrienne RaquelAdrienne Raquel is an NYC-based creative –– specializing in photography + art directiAdrienne RaquelAdrienne Raquel is an NYC-based creative –– specializing in photography + art directiAdrienne RaquelAdrienne Raquel is an NYC-based creative –– specializing in photography + art directiAdrienne RaquelAdrienne Raquel is an NYC-based creative –– specializing in photography + art directi

Adrienne Raquel

Adrienne Raquel is an NYC-based creative –– specializing in photography + art direction.  Inspired by femininity, Summer vibes, and tropical motifs –– Adrienne’s work is playful, vibrant, and nostalgic.  Her eye-catching imagery and distinct use of color + composition have led to many exciting brand collaborations.  Notable publications such as TIME, Refinery29, and Elle have esteemed Adrienne as an influencer + one of the top female creatives to follow.

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“I became a writer once I realised no one liked my stuff.” Watch Barack Obama and Oprah Winfrey’s favourite author, Pulitzer Prize-winning Colson Whitehead, on how rejections of his first stab at a novel made him realize that he wanted to pursue writing. (via Louisiana Channel )

“Everything that I care about, everything that I believe in, the idea that I grew up with about our country—who we are, what we are, and why we are—that’s all up in the air, and it feels truly like, this midterm election [will] be our opportunity to either negate what’s been going on in our country in this administration, or allow it [to] change the very fabric of who we are.”

America Ferrera

Glamour,Nov. 1, 2018.
