#when i get paid im totally buying this






hey guys i just e-published my second witchy book, a collection of all my spells!!!! this is a neat little pocket-spell book with love spells, healing charms, glamours, potions and much more, all in one neat, organized, convenient place! if you liked my first book, i’m sure you’ll love this one too!  ♡

here’s the link for the digital copy for $5.00

if you have the kindle app it should be able to download there however there is also an etsy link with a word.doc if that’s easier!

here’s a link for the print copy for $7.50 

♡♡♡ if you could leave a review i would appreciate that so much!! ♡♡♡

@orriculum does this include pop culture spells?

it includes spells that are pop cultures spells on my blog, but i took out the names of anything that could be a copyright concern.
