#when i was a kid






You ever think about how old people have no idea what “survivor bias” is, and take full credit for being excellent out of things where they lucked out?

“Back in my day we didn’t have any of these childhood protective things, we were smart enough not to do stupid shit on our own!”
Except your little neighbour, who got the funniest idea at the age of seven, and got his skull pierced when he slipped?

“Back in my day nobody got divorced, we stuck together and fixedour problems!”
What about your cousin, who was slowly killed by her husband because she had nowhere to escape him?

“Back in my day nobody had ‘mental problems’, we didn’t whine, we just toughed it out and endured life!”
Hey remember that guy you used to work with, who seemed really friendly and normal, and then suddenly hanged himself ‘for no reason’?

“Back in my day we didn’t have any of this ‘gay’ or ‘transgender’ thing.”
You did, but your family cut all ties with her before you were born.

 You kinda start seeing it in everything they think, if you start looking for it.

“When we were kids nobody whined about car seats or bike helmets. We didn’t use them, and we all survived!”

Yeah, except for the ones who didn’t.

I have had this exact fucking argument with my mom.

“Back then we didn’t have all these medications and vaccines…”

No, and my grandmother had lost both her parents to disease at the age of eight.

i always found those so annoying. 

“ back in my day we spend time with ppl, not glued to our phones”  YEAH…bc self-/smart phones hadn´t been invented when you were young! 

otherwise you´d have treated it like any other invention that came out in your youth and USED IT TOO!!! i highly doubt you´d have abstained bc of this: “ sorry guys, but i´m not getting a smartphone- one day i´ll need something to hold over the next generations and pretend i´m some sort of hero bc i didn´t use something they use, ya´know?” 
