#when june 23 hits its over for yall



Red Crackle Week

You heard it folks. It’s coming, after lots of planning made by @lightythelighthouse​ and @thereddreadedbaronessand@doodlethesnicker​ we have finally finished planning our first Red Crackle Week!

This week will be held from June 23rd to June 29th. All types of submissions are allowed. (Art/Fanfiction/Edits/Etc) 

These are the dates and themes!

Of course we do have some guidelines. 

1.No NSFW. We wanna keep this event PG. Some slightly suggestive stuff is alright, but nothing over.

2.No Inappropriate ships. We know this is Red Crackle week, but please no Black Sheep x Graham or any kind of inappropriate ships in the background

3.No Hate. Please do not hate anyone’s Art/Fanfictions/Edits/Etc. This event is supposed to be fun and we would hate to see other RC fans bashing on each other.

4. No Copycats. Please do not copy other people’s work. This is just basic decency 

5.Credit Other Artists. This is more to those who make edits. If your making an edit using someone else’s art, please be sure to credit the original artist.

Now that all the rules are settled, please be sure to tag your post with #red crackle week, or send a link to your post in our submission box.

Thank you for listening, and we hope to see your submissions!
