#whenn tabris



Specialization: Champion

Romanced: Morrigan; Loghain

Alignment: Neutral Good

Nicknames: Little Lion

Grew up in the alienage at Denerim with stories of the Dalish told by his mother who was exiled from her clan. She’s always been a role model for Whenn and inspired him to want to be a warrior. He loves singing and is very good at it, almost always humming something under his nose.

During the Blight, he falls deeply in love with Morrigan and spends the happiest few months of his life with her and the other companions, all of whom he considers very dear friends. Slowly all of that starts falling apart; he loses Alistair because of his decision to keep Loghain alive and conscript him, then Morrigan distances herself from him because of her own feelings. Despite that, he agrees to her ritual and the two spend their last night together

All the loss he goes through and all the responsibility thrust on him end up weighing heavy and he becomes much more melancholic and sad after it’s all over, but keeps on doing all his duties as Warden Commander and doing whatever he can to not disappoint anyone. At this point he’s developed pretty bad abandonment issues and become obsessed with making sure another blight never happens again.

He spends some months rebuilding the Wardens and solving issues around Amaranthine, making an alliance with The Architect along the way. Loghain’s the only person he was close to from before, so he doesn’t allow for him to be sent to Orlais, claiming he absolutely needs him by his side to help Ferelden.

After the battles at Vigil’s Keep and Amaranthine, Whenn sets out only with his mabari to find Morrigan. When he does, they talk and he asks about their son and begs her to come back. Of course, she doesn’t yield and they say their final goodbyes before Whenn returns to his post as Warden Commander.

After some time, his small crush on Loghain grows into something much stronger and he starts acting a bit more like his old self again. He very rarely sings anymore, but on some rare occasion would hum to himself. After he and Loghain actually hook up, they end up spending more and more time in the deeproads together, determined to end the blight once and for all
