


Rated: General Audiences

Word count: 1386

Category: M/M

No archive warnings apply

Summary: The Them have a lot of questions for Aziraphale and Crowley about spirits! They answer them truthfully and perhaps say some rather telling things that they haven’t exactly admitted to each other. Written for the 2021 Good Omens Celebration prompt Spirit. :)


Hello friends!! Today was the last prompt of the celebration! I’m going to miss it. THANK YOU SO MUCH to anyone who has read my writing this past month. I hope you know you light up my world a tiny bit, like a far off star <3 I hope you enjoy this last work!!


Rated: General Audiences

Word count: 1333

Category: M/M

No archive warnings apply

Summary: Crowley has a lot of feelings about What Tomorrow Holds. Because if their body-swap plan doesn’t work out… it could hold nothing. Or at least nothing good. And Crowley doesn’t know how to handle that terrifying reality. Written for the 2021 Good Omens Celebration prompt Body.


Hi everyone!! I consider this one to be quite sad. It has a hopeful ending, though!! I hope you like it <3


Rated: General Audiences

Word count: 825

Category: M/M

No archive warnings apply

Summary: Crowley is woken up in the middle of the night by an extremely bright light. It seems to be coming from… Aziraphale? But… why is the angel glowing?? Written for the 2021 Good Omens Celebration prompt Light. :)


Hello everyone!! So, I explained this in my fic notes, but I will be posting this one in two chapters! This is only the first chapter. I will reblog this post with a link to the second chapter when I post it!! I hope you enjoy and that you choose to return for the second part! Have a great rest of your day/night <3


Rated: Teen

Word count: 1637

Category: M/M

No archive warnings apply

Summary: Aziraphale misses Crowley terribly during the lockdown and is done with waiting for him to wake up. He’s going to take action! He decides the best option is to visit him in a dream. But the dreamworld’s reality is a bit more… straightforward than the reality Aziraphale is used to… Written for the 2021 Good Omens Celebration prompt Mind. :)


Hello everyone!! Have some weird dream-reality stuff to kick off this last week XD It’s actually very cute and has a sappy ending, so, not tooweird. I hope you like it!! <3


Rated: General Audiences

Word count: 1106

Category: Other

No archive warnings apply

Summary: Aziraphale is exploring Greece when he spots a woman covered in extremely colorful flowers! She… reminds him of someone, and he decides to compliment her gorgeous floral attire. Written for the 2021 Good Omens Celebration prompt Colorful. :)


Hi friends!! Today I… struggled with my title XD but I do think the story is rather cute, so I hope you enjoy it!! <3
