#which i dun get nowadays but i digress

Let’s Do… Something Naughty? (VIP Room) // Completion (Eisuke) & Questionnaire Please credit if

Let’s Do… Something Naughty? (VIP Room) // Completion (Eisuke) & Questionnaire

Please credit if you take any of it, thenk u(・ω・*)

hm i guess u could take the title as “Doing… Something Naughty?” but it is a bit strange as a fragment w/o further context imo

surprised that the mixed (various series) event wasn’t first, but voltage acts like not squeezing suite stan munei any chance they can will literally destroy the app
…honestly wish kbtbb was given that level of effort in story releases but alas
i already came in knowing ill just fill up the entire sheet in trying to get the SR stories so u know, mass spin it up. i did 10-spins twice and neither of the SR stories showed up. truly amazing my hindsight

item lineup is filled with room garbage (lines, outfits, bgs). the “trash” cgs are like these “Forbidden Questionnaires” of the main 5 + hikaru and luke (…..the shuichi erasure) in which ive done a supa quicc translation after the cut if u are curious (only 1 pic for example, then all text). There are finally Rare stories of the Main 5 and obv 2 SR stories for eisuke + soryu.

spoilers under the cut!! 


(shrunk it bc the real size is annoyingly tall)

small thing, but the cgs make it look like the answers have been written by themselves, which is cute. i never bothered to figure out what fonts they use (they’re obv fonts cuz the characters are written identically in different places) tho

questions go like this:

  1. Which body part is her “charm point”? (or more literally, “which body part do you feel her charm”)
  2. Where’s the weak spot on yourbody?
  3. Are you the type to want to kiss, or the type to want to be kissed?
  4. What do you think are the type of moments you want to kiss (her)?
  5. While making out— Are you the type to want to meanly tease, or the type who wants to spoil?
  6. Does your heart pound when she shows you her bold side, or her shy side?
  7. (lmao they messed this up on all of these, they repeated a #5 again) Out of all of the Auction Managers,who is the most intense about their fetish? (t/n: one would say they’re a “maniac” about it)


1. Eye
2. None
3. It’s not bad, being kissed by her.
4. When I see her stupid face (t/n: he’s not saying her face *is* stupid… it’s like when someone says “he made a stupid face at the discovery”.)
5. The type to meanly tease; she makes goodreactions that way.
6. A bold woman atop the bed is to my taste.
7. Luke


1. Her soft skin
2. Around my waist… She found that out already, but it’s ticklish to be touched there no matter what I do.
3. To kiss
4. The times I get to see her smiling face
5. The type to spoil, but… there are times I end up bullying her.
6. Her bold side; It’s hard to say which one is better, but her bold side is bad for my heart…
7. Luke


1. Everywhere~ If I say that, then I’ll be the only one to know where her beauty marks are, right?
2. The earlobes. I have others, but I’m not gonna write them down here ♡
3. To be kissed; There’s been lots of times she’s been kissed by me, but being kissed by her makes my heart thump.
4. There’s all sorts of times, but… Ah- Whenever she’s not feeling well, I want to kiss her lots and comfort her.
5. The type that wants to spoil her lots~
6. I like both, but, hmm… I guess her shy side.
7. The always-straight-laced Sor— or maybe it could unexpectedly be Hishi… etcetera?


1. Her soft hair
2. Hmm, nothing in particular for me. If it’s Koro, then I knowseveral of her weak spots, but.
3. To kiss; something like getting a kiss from Koro is impudent (of her).
4. During dull moments, or when I’m tired
5. The type who likes to meanly tease~ It’s only natural to me, so.
6. Her shy side; when she gets all embarrassed because of me, it’s cute~
7. The Doctor or the Mad Hatter— They’re crazy under normal circumstances, for one.


1. Foot
2.Ah…Well, if we’re talkin’ weak spots, I guess my waist?
3. To kiss; It’s not too bad when tries to kiss me and all with a little kid kiss, but y’know.
4. When I return home, tired, and see her face.
5. The type to meanly tease; the creatures that are “men” tease the women they like.
6. Her bold side. Once in a while, she’ll show me a crazy-bold side of her… She being unaware of that is real wicked of her
7. Luke or Hishikura are right on the money for that.


1. Collarbones
2. Around my neck, I suppose. But… I do like it when Sexy Bones touches me.
3. To kiss; I like to give lots of kisses along her collarbones… Of course, I like to give them to all of the places besides the collarbones as well.
4. When she calls me by my name… When she refers to me as just “Luke” (t/n: versus “Doctor”)
5. …The type to spoil, maybe. When Sexy Bones appears to be feeling good, I’m happy too.
6. Hmm… her bold side? But her shy side is also quite adorable…
7. Who could it be… Shu, I guess?


1. Hand
2. None in particular
3. If I had to pick one, then I’d be the type to want to kiss. …Well, I’m also happy when I get a kiss from her, but.
4. During work, when our eyes casually meet
5. The type to meanly tease; When I see her face, I naturally end up wanting to tease her, so.
6. Her shy side. …Her bashful face is really cute.
7. As one would imagine, the most intense one has to be Luke, no?

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