#which i havent watched



i already said this at some point, but the thing about kase-san is not just that many ppl who usually speak abt wanting more wlw rep (in anime) are strangely silent. it’s the fact that the production literally released the mv along with a statement that, if this were to get lots of attention, they may be able to create a full-fledged anime (be it an ova or 12 episodes). they obviously have a lot of passion for it to create the mv, and release it like this.

but it lies in stark contrast to the force that is yuri on ice fandom, that was so popular that it broke past typical anime fans and into the mainstream, to professional figure skaters and people who had never watched anime before. many yoi posts on here had 20k+ notes. along with that, people talked endlessly about its progressive importance. that people should support it because its representation is groundbreaking and meaningful.

i feel a certain way about that, but i’m gonna leave that to the side, because what’s really important here is: why now, after all this buzz about representation and the inevitable “we want lesbians too,” is there such a stunning lack of response?

of course i’m sure it’s already obvious, and a lacking response is better than no response, but it’s painful specifically because of what it means when they are explicitly looking for an audience to prove, without even asking for money, that they wish to see it come to fruition. all they’re really asking for is support in the way of watching the video, spreading it, talking about it on social media, etc. and yet these ppl who claim to care SO MUCH about wlw representation, predictably… don’t seem to care at all.

western fans are generally second to japanese fans, for understandable reasons, but imagine the impact it would have if there was even a fraction of support for kase-san that yuri on ice had. i wish that we lived in a climate where ppl didn’t just say they want lesbian rep for sj brownie points, but meant it, too.
