


  • Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc V
  • Ship:Ruri/Yuzu
  • Alternate Universe: Princess Tutu
  • Warnings: Character Death
  • Word Count: 1.1k

  Yuzu should have listened.

  They were characters in a story, doomed to repeat the unfinished pages, but in a completely new frontier: reality.

  But she had refused to comply with the rules of the new and old frontier. Yuzu valued herself first and foremost because that the kind of girl – heroine – she was. When she was happy, she grinned, and she laughed. When she was sad, she wept and bawled. She wore her emotions on a sleeve and inside her feelings, she took an arrogant heart. She believed herself to have free will. She wanted to defy the ghosts and inks of the past; she wanted to rewrite her future. And, with a jovial – comically so in this tragedy – personality such as hers, when she was in love, of course she wanted to express that love with sacred and intimate words.

  Thus, in her straightforward yet pure-hearted arrogance, Yuzu fulfilled the very destiny that she had been desperate to avoid.

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