#white crime

 The Texas Sheriff Where Sandra Bland Died Was Previously Suspended for Racism The head sheriff of W

The Texas Sheriff Where Sandra Bland Died Was Previously Suspended for Racism 

The head sheriff of Waller County, Texas, where 28-year-old Sandra Bland was allegedly found asphyxiatedin a jail cell on Monday, was fired from his job as Hempstead, Texas, police chief in 2008 following allegations of racism, according to the Houston Chronicle.

TheDaily Kos recovered old Chronicle reports on Thursday showing that in 2007, R. Glenn Smith, then police chief of Hempstead, was suspended for two weeks by the Hempstead City Council after they “[viewed] videotapes and [heard] allegations of racism from local residents against him and … four [other] officers.”

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herdreadsrock: sancophaleague:Donald Maiden Jr. is an 8-year-old Black kid from Dallas who was playiherdreadsrock: sancophaleague:Donald Maiden Jr. is an 8-year-old Black kid from Dallas who was playiherdreadsrock: sancophaleague:Donald Maiden Jr. is an 8-year-old Black kid from Dallas who was playi



Donald Maiden Jr. is an 8-year-old Black kid from Dallas who was playing tag outside his apartment complex when Brian Cloniger, a 46-year-old white Man Shot him in the face. Donald was in critical but stable condition in a hospital where he has had numerous surgeries to repair his jaw and to put a plate in it. Donald told his Grandmother that Brian Colinger “Doesn’t want the kids to look at his face” and that Brian told him that “He looks like a Monster”.

A witness asked Brian if he shot Donald and he said “Yes, I shot that kid” with no remorse. His actions traumatized Donald’s little brother who runs to the back of his house in fear when someone knocks at the door. Brian Colinger is facing 5 to 99 years in prison. This is a clear Case of racism and hate from a extreme coward with a Gun. Donald Maiden Jr. is currently on schedule to make a full recovery. Please Share your Thoughts and Opinions…

Written By: @Champion_Us

5 years?! No. 99 at least.

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Enforcement Official Arrested 3 Times in the Past 6 Months Finally Resigns (Not Fired)Ms. Staniland

Enforcement Official Arrested 3 Times in the Past 6 Months Finally Resigns (Not Fired)

Ms. Staniland has resigned from Police Department, a spokesman for the NYPD’s Deputy Commissioner of Public Information confirmed.

Her most recent encounter on the wrong side of the law was on July 1 when she was riding a motorcycle on Davis Avenue shortly before 11 a.m. on Staten Island. She lost control of her bike as she tried to turn onto Henderson Avenue, striking two vehicles waiting at a red light, authorities allege.

As Ms. Staniland was removing her ID from her backpack to show to police, an officer spotted drug paraphernalia including a silver spoon and a syringe, according to cops.

A search revealed four and a half pills of an anti-anxiety drug for which authorities claimed she had no prescription. Police charged her with criminally possessing a hypodermic needle, misdemeanor drug possession, and driving an unregistered motorcycle without license plates.

She had a “Little Miss Dangerous” logo on her motorcycle helmet, police said.

Ms. Staniland was suspended from the force after being cuffed on drug possession charges while she was on-duty in Brooklyn on May 13.

She was also accused of burglarizing the West Brighton home of her boyfriend’s mother on Nov. 25 and Dec. 1, according to a criminal complaint and a law enforcement source. She snatched various pieces of jewelry, including necklaces and bracelets, and hocked them for an undisclosed amount of cash on those dates at an Elm Park pawn shop, the complaint alleged. She was arrested Dec. 18 following a probe by the NYPD’s Internal Affairs Bureau.

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