#white people please get a map


Favorite variations:

  • “So where are you from?” // “Chicago.” // “No but like, … WHERE?” // “Chicago. You want a street name?” // “No but… where are your parents from?” // “Chicago.” // “No but… where are they ORIGINALLY from?” // “Ohhh, I get it! Well…” // (white person leans in attentively) // “My mom grew up in the suburbs."  (End scene.)
  • "So you’re Puerto Rican, huh? No? You’re not Spanish? I mean like, aren’t you Dominican? So then you’re Indian. No? Not even like… from India? Or like Hawaiian? So you’re like Arabic, huh?”

I just need someone to subsidize some maps of the world for me so I can throw them at people. This is why geography classes need to come back into style.
