#white rabbit red wolf


White Rabbit, Red Wolf - a (spoilerfree) review

5 stars, couldn’t put the book down. I read the entire thing in one day! Certainly an intense, gripping and thought-provoking book.

The book turned out to be way more wacky (not in a goofy way, in a wild turn of events, what-the-what is happening kind of way) than I was expecting when I first started reading.

Characters are well fleshed out, believable and interesting, each with their own unique characters, abilities and interests. I have no bone to pick with any of them! I absolutely loved Ingrid and the unsolvable equations, I thought that aspect of the book was so clever, frustrating, and I know it will stay with me for a very long time. Humans love to have concepts that are full-rounded and have a nice, neat conclusion. I love that this book challenged that, and forces you to either be okay with not knowing some things, or drive yourself insane with ‘what-ifs’ and trying to grasp at a non-existent answer. Wonderful.

The plot, while a bit far-fetched, was exciting, fast-paced and held my attention the entire way through.

Absolutely loved this book, and the addition of psychological problems and phenomena was RIGHT up my street. I wish this kind of stuff was around when I was at high school! But I still thoroughly enjoyed it as a 25yo.
