
Bleached it is. Who am I to argue with the good doctor?

Bleached it is. Who am I to argue with the good doctor?

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I’m ready for my checkup, doctor.

I’m ready for my checkup, doctor.

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I love Bumblebee in the new show but I am disappointed the creators decide to lighten her skin tone

I love Bumblebee in the new show but I am disappointed the creators decide to lighten her skin tone and give her green eyes. She’s usually dark skin with brown/black eyes

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 I don’t like that made Bumblebee’s skin light in the new show. Bumblebee is a dark skin black girl.

I don’t like that made Bumblebee’s skin light in the new show. Bumblebee is a dark skin black girl. She always has been. There are times when she doesn’t even look black like in the new Weird Science comic that just came out. I’ve seen some people complaining about it, but more people need to speak up about it. Making a dark skin character light skin is wrong.

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As a person of color, I’ve learned to expect a certain level of whitewashing from Hollywood. Jake Gyllenhaal as The Prince of Persia? Dude, wtf? Random white dude as Goku – wow, WOW, take it easy, buddy!

And yet, Hollywood execs surprised us with yet another bottle of fuckery by casting Emma Stone as Allison Ng, a character described as a quarter Hawaiian and a quarter Chinese. Let me lean in closer so I can say that again:

Emma Stone, a blonde haired, blue eyed WHITE WOMAN, was chosen to portray an ASIAN-HAWAIIAN PERSON with an Asian last name. I don’t approve of whitewashing, especially when Asian characters get swapped with white ones (see: Ghost in the Shell), but this is a new level of lazy bullshit. How can you go 80% of the way, write a script ABOUT AN ASIAN PERSON but not cast an Asian actress? That’s like making a movie about the Jackson 5 set in the 1960s but casting Honey Boo Boo as Tito and a ham sandwich as Michael – did you even try, bro?!

Hollywood continues to whitewash because white folks don’t see ethnicity as an IDENTITY. They don’t believe race and ethnicity can effect your opportunities and personality in real life, or in a fictional movie. Instead, race is treated like a COSTUME you steal from one person and give to another. In fact, white culture has ALWAYS taken ethnic labels and slapped them onto white products.

We needed more R&B artists so we slapped a label on Justin Timberlake.
We lacked diversity in the workplace so we made a category called “White Latinos.”

And yet, when they do consider our ethnicity it’s used in a way to exploit us: to paint us as uneducated thugs, awkward math nerds, and illegal immigrants. They never meet us half-way and write a script about normal ass POCs, acting as if we’re either born into our designated stereotype or we’re colorblind.

If you wanna know how white folks feel truly feel about us, take a look at ANY Hollywood movie and observe the POC characters. When white men were at their peak of Black male intimidation, they made ‘Mandingo’ and 'Birth of a Nation.’ When they were afraid of Asians, they filmed 'Fu Manchu’ and 'The Interview.’

If we can accept the writings of Langston Hughes and Zora Neale Hurston as expressions of Black thought, why aren’t we accepting racist Hollywood films as expressions of white ones?

Think about it.

As a South East Asian American, one of the strangest things I’ve had to deal with is balancing mysel

As a South East Asian American, one of the strangest things I’ve had to deal with is balancing myself between being “white” and being “asian”. I was born in America and was not raised within a large Laos/Cambodian community. Essentially, I was too whitewashed to hang out with the Asians who grew up with a strong Asian background. I barely know my own home languages. My lack of Asian culture as well as my comfort in American culture has led many to perceive me as a “non-asian”.

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멘션파티 시작!!!♡ 투문 come on♡



원어스 천일 함께 해 준 달님들 너무 고마워ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 앞으로도 천년만년 함께해요



시온이랑 놀 사람 구함❤️

tomorrowxtogether: 05/10/21 Taehyun’s Tweet콘서트 브이씨알셀카 #태현 #TAEHYUN[TRANS]Concert VCR selfies#태현 #TAEtomorrowxtogether: 05/10/21 Taehyun’s Tweet콘서트 브이씨알셀카 #태현 #TAEHYUN[TRANS]Concert VCR selfies#태현 #TAE


05/10/21 Taehyun’s Tweet

콘서트 브이씨알셀카 



Concert VCR selfies


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‘Eternal Sunshine’ Concept Photo 3 ‘민기(MINGI)’



Source:ATEEZ Official Instagram




It’s so sad to let ‘Deja Vu’ go like this


Source:ATEEZ Official Instagram
