#who does that




sweden should’ve sat there and shared the food. we only knew them for flatpack furniture now look what they’ve done to themselves

i’m literally losing my mind swedes can’t be real

I just woke up and got fucked. And then we both got ourselves off, me while The Unknown Quantity fingered my “tight little ass.” His words, not mine. :)

And then I found a couple of choice messages in my inbox. One is a lovely little assumption making, rape fantasy kink shaming message. The other says that I should be shit on and beaten, not just pissed on.

Strangely enough, neither of them is on anon. I guess I appreciate the bravery(?) of not being anon when you’re sending hateful or obnoxious messages. I think I may have to answer them publicly, though. Because really? Who does that? Who sends those messages?

(Also because I think y'all will appreciate my responses.)


No hair dye strand test we dye like men
