

Red cantonese bear dogs are so sweet (via)

Just living his best life (via)

Good boy ran through a glass door when he was younger, now he’s extra careful (via)

Get a sibling they said, it’ll be fun they said

the first steps always a doozie (via)

love me or ELSEEE (via)

just derping


A good boy taking himself for a walk while it’s raining (via)

Little one trusts big funny zoomer (via)

I have no explanation for this. (via)

Grey wolf transforms into a good boy when he is visited by the people that helped raise their pack (via)

like father, like son (via)

blessed council


getting pet by mama (via)

This whole gravity thing sucks (via)

sugared doggo (via)


Love at first sight


#doggie    #wholesome    
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