
bigmammallama5:I can finally share my work that I did for @broadsandbroadswords zine!! I had so muchbigmammallama5:I can finally share my work that I did for @broadsandbroadswords zine!! I had so muchbigmammallama5:I can finally share my work that I did for @broadsandbroadswords zine!! I had so muchbigmammallama5:I can finally share my work that I did for @broadsandbroadswords zine!! I had so much


I can finally share my work that I did for @broadsandbroadswords zine!! I had so much fun drawing my OC ladies with swords (and sneaking in my favorite fandom ladies with swords), and it was great fun to draw alongside so many awesome artists. Keep an eye on the zine socials for their upcoming donation in the near future!

(I shot photos of the books for the zine mods using some of the copies with bad glue binding, so while beautiful to look at-they will never be opened lol.)

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