#whooping crane

WHOOPING CRANE is the tallest bird in North America, and it got its name from the whooping sound the

WHOOPING CRANE is the tallest bird in North America, and it got its name from the whooping sound their wings make when they flap. But one of the coolest facts I have learnt about them while researching is still the way the populations have grown with conservation efforts. 

There were only about 22 of these majestic creatures left in 1942 and now there are about 280 birds and increasing. (Portion of them in Florida are non-migratory and is unfortunately stable to decreasing in population) You can watch and learn about it here andhere!! There are puppet cranes and pilots involved! How cool is that?!

They like to lay two eggs and only one would survive. This usually occurs in early June, which make this the perfect illustration to go with June. Yes, I am that behind on this calendar project but it will be done! Because I want to put in my best efforts in helping our deteriorating mother earth, and so should you =)


Stay tuned for more from this series >click here<

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