#whos your daddy





‘This is a bad idea.’ Jensen thought to himself as he signed into the sugar daddies and their babes app.

Jensen was married. Had been for the last ten years but fuck after all that time plus dating, they had grown apart. And Danneel had better things to do that actually pay attention to her husband. With three kids and her rapidly growing side businesses, Jensen had become an afterthought.

He’d quit the show for her and turned down roles that would have made him millions, Oscar nominations and possible wins all lost in favor of spending time at home.

Don’t get him wrong, he loved spending time with the kids but a man can’t live on the affection of his children alone. Jensen needed a warm, curvy body to curl up to and enjoy.

A quick joke from a friend, three glasses of whiskey, and Jensen was punching in the number to his credit card on the dating app he’d installed on a phone his wife didn’t know about. A burner phone, lest he get caught with his pants down like so many stupid men out there.

He’d just look, or so Jensen told himself as he swiped over college co-eds one after another. None of them peaked his interest until he came across your picture. The pout of your lips caught his attention first, followed by the smile that gleaned from your eyes.

A quick tap and he had access to every piece of information you had to offer. Along with a couple scantily clad photos.

Being he’d been traversing a dry spell for several months now, Jensen click through your photos first. He was a guy after all and your curvaceous body did not disappoint. One look at your thick thighs had his mouth watering, wanting nothing more than to pull you over his mouth to ravage your cunt.

But you were more than a nice pair of legs as Jensen clicked to the next image, a selfie in a lace bra, your large breasts practically spilling from their garment while you playfully bit your red painted lower lip.

After getting his fill of your body, his length hard and pulsing in his jeans, he clicked back to read more about you.

College debt was the main reason you needed a sugar daddy. Schooling was never cheap, something Jensen was fully aware of now that he had three kids of his own who might one day want to go.

You lived in Austin, which was convenient for both of you, and the more Jensen read the more he wanted to talk to you. His fingers itched to send off a message.
Dropping the phone into his lap, Jensen let his lids flutter closed as he licked his thick bottom lip. ‘This is stupid,’ he thought again. ‘I’m going to get caught and Dani is gonna cut off my balls. I’ll just delete the app and forget about it.’

But when Jensen opened his eyes and looked at the screen in his hand, a little green dot next to your name meant you were online and hoping for messages like the one he wanted to send.

If everyone has a little angel and devil on their respective shoulders, Jensen’s devil was jumping up and down demanding he send a quick hello. It’s fate, the devil chittered and Jensen shook his head to try and clear the mischievous thoughts but they wouldn’t stop.

‘A quick hello can’t hurt. It’s not cheating if I just say hello.’ His reasoning made sense, to him at least as he clicked on the little message icon and typed out a few simple words.

“Hi, how are you today, beautiful?”


I wrote a thing. Hardly edited. Might write more to it if there is enough interest. Let me know.

Yeah I need more

There actually is more but it’s unfinished. If you search “whos your daddy” the series master list will come up.


steve went from “your daughter calls me daddy” to “now everyone calls me daddy”


steve went from “your daughter calls me daddy” to “now everyone calls me daddy”
