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…blood and tears instead of milk and honey. #whowillsurviveinamerica

…blood and tears instead of milk and honey. #whowillsurviveinamerica

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This message is for everyone. (Not about left, right or whatever).Not just around this election or

This message is for everyone. (Not about left, right or whatever).

Not just around this election or the next, but for all of the time we must live in between. For all the people who are in our families and local communities who will be effected.

Organize your thoughts. Organize your actions.


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This isn’t 2000 and Florida. Someone’s candidate was going to lose. If we protested ever

This isn’t 2000 and Florida. Someone’s candidate was going to lose. If we protested every time the person or team we wanted didn’t win, we’d never have any contest.

You can’t argue for the popular vote if you already knew we elect via the electoral college.

“Not our president?” This shit sounds as dumb as when it was said about Obama.

#wakeup be more involved and informed before the “damage” is done.

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Beat the odds. Find motivation in the thrill of victory AND the agony of defeat. #whowillsurviveinam

Beat the odds. Find motivation in the thrill of victory AND the agony of defeat. #whowillsurviveinamerica

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 Mom and pops become expensive coffee shops. Murals of expression become ads. #whatasteal #whowillsu

Mom and pops become expensive coffee shops. Murals of expression become ads. #whatasteal #whowillsurviveinamerica (at Bushwick, Brooklyn)

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And here is where we drag dead Black person through the mud with information that is irrelevant to t

And here is where we drag dead Black person through the mud with information that is irrelevant to the fact that there are officers that show up to the scene and get scared/aren’t trained well/may have racial bias (or insert which ever excuse feels right at the moment).

I proudly served in Iraq along side men from all parts of the country and even some from other nations. And considering all may have had different views of the world and the war, we did took extra car to identify the crime and the potential criminal. In a war! Our leaders made it clear and held us accountable for our actions.

As a nation, we should be asking for the same discerning, accountable policing. #whowillsurviveinamerica (at United States)

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