#whump ocs



Baby Twins AU Part 2

AU where Sasha is much older than twins and took them much earlier so he has now found himself being in care of two three year olds.

Takes place a few weeks after the first part. Sasha learns that Lucien may not be the best babysitter(well in his opinion, twins were having a great time.)

<part 1> <masterlist>

Sasha, got an unexpected call from work while they’re were in the middle of the drive from one hotel to another. So not having too many other options he left Vi and Cole with Lucien at the parking lot and honestly, he might have just as well left them alone.

Now he was hurrying back there with a new black eye, and overcame with the feeling that it was a bad idea, trying to convince himself that maybe Lucien had a sliver of responsibility and common sense in him. But Sasha wasn’t very optimistic about that.

His car was one of the few parked there, Sasha recognized it instantly, because the back door was open and Lucien was standing outside, leaning on it. Sasha took a few more steps could hear what they were talking about.

“Where’s Sashka?” Cole asked.

“I swear to god if you ask me that one more-” Sasha cleared his throat.

“I mean… Look he’s here!” Lucien caught himself.

Sasha scoffed, he remembered that one time when Lucien asked him if the twins ever talked.

“They do, they just don’t like strangers” Sasha answered then. Well, apparently they didn’t see Lucien as a stranger anymore.

Lucien got out of the way, and Sasha leaned over to the inside of the car. He was greeted by two pairs of large green eyes staring at him.

He smiled at the kids and flinched when his face stung with pain. He hoped that the twins wouldn’t take an interest in his eye, but of course that’s immediately where their hands went.

“You have owie.” Cole said.

“Yeah, I guess you could say that.” Sasha gently caught his hand before it reached his face.

Then Sasha noticed the rest of the scene - kids were sitting in the backseat, with the crumbs and wrappers all around them, as well as on them. Their hair were a mess too, but they were laughing and talking to each other, apperently very happy with the current situation.

Sasha sighed, he knew thirty minutes was way too long to leave them with Lucien… Alright, one problem at a time.

“Why they are not in their car seats?”

“They wanted to get out, I don’t think they like them. Besides the car is parked.” Lucien shrugged.

Sasha sat down next to them, brushing off the crumbs onto the ground first. Vi who was closer instantly stood up on the sit, and hugged him giving him a chance to look closer at her hair.

She had barely held together ponytails in seemingly random places on her head, along with a few hair ties tangled in them. There was also something sparkly in there… oh god please don’t let it be-

Sasha ran his hand through her hair and a ton of shimmering dust fell off form it, colorful flakes were contrasting with the white of her hair.

“Do you like it?” Viv asked looking at him expectantly.

“Sure,pchyolka, it’s very pretty.” Sasha said and sat her down on his lap. “Can I braid it too?” She nodded and stared swinging her legs.

Sasha began struggling with one of the hair ties, trying to untangle it, he noticed that Cole was looking at him amused - his hair were shorter but also covered in glitter and standing in all possible directions.

“Don’t look at me like that, you’re next” He said, and turned to Lucien.

“What happened to them, and where did they got glitter from?”

“They wanted to play with each other’s hair so I let them. They’ve found some in my bag.”

“And you didn’t think this could be a bad idea?”

“I thought it was a horrible idea, but they can be quite intimidating”

“They’re three years old!” Sasha stared at him in disbelief.

“I don’t know, they kind of have your death glare nailed already.” Lucien shrugged again, and Sasha looked at him.

“See? The exact same one”

Sasha took a deep breath and wanted to go back to the mess on the kids heads, but he got distracted by all the wrappers laying around.

He picked up a few - chocolate bar, another chocolate bar, some candy, a can form some sugary drink was also in there. Sasha bent over to pick up the rest, but then he heard some rustling, he looked back at the twins, and saw them sharing a bag of chips.

“What the hell are they eating?!” Sasha turned to Lucien, horrified.

“They were complaining that they were hungry so I got them something.” Lucien answered, annoyingly calm.

“And couldn’t you get them some fruits or vegetables?”

Sasha felt Cole move closer, the boy reached his hand offering him some of the chips.

“You want it too?” He asked, unsure.

“No thank you, solnyshko” Sasha said and leaned over to kiss the top of the boy’s head, but remembered all the glitter it was covered with, so he kissed his forehead instead. Sasha looked at them and sighed again.

“Alrightmalyshi I’m going to clean you up into something human looking, and we’ll go get some real food.”

Keep reading

send me the name of one of my ocs and i will provide a song or piece that i associate them with and why !!
